I don’t know how those women who have abortions can share their stories and re-live their terrible experience. I admire their courage and candour. In the February issue of The Interim we published the testimony of Dale Barr of Cornwall, Ont., who has shared her abortion experience in numerous speeches including at the National March for Life in Ottawa. An excerpt:
There are many details of my abortion experience that I do not recall and amnesia is just one of the possible after-effects. I often wonder if I will ever remember all of the details. In August 2011, I started a new job at the very hospital where the abortion took place. In the first few weeks of my new job, I did not think about the abortion but in the weeks following, I found myself thinking about it more and more. I’m telling you this part of my story because women are told that the abortion will not affect you afterwards and that everything will return to normal. That is a lie. It’s been 32 years and because I now work in the hospital where the abortion was performed, I suddenly start wondering what room I was in and about the operating room. It frustrated me that I couldn’t remember the room and I felt defeated.
You can read the whole story, here. In 2005, we published an article on the Silent No More Awareness Campaign; at that time the SNMAC was novel but it is now featured at many if not most pro-life events including national and regional conferences, the National March for Life and 40 Days for Life events.