Yesterday LifeSiteNews reported on a June 2009 French-language interview with Justin Trudeau, a Liberal MP from Quebec and son of former prime minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. In it Trudeau the Younger admits he is at odds with the Roman Catholic Church into which he was born and raised on issues such as abortion and homosexuality. While claiming to be a believer, he says: “As a politician I have political positions on gay marriage and on abortion that don’t at all resemble those of the Catholic Church.” That is hardly surprising news. Justin Trudeau has a long history of promoting socially left-wing causes and church-bashing (in a 2001 promotional event for World Youth Day, he urged the youth to reject “old men with old ideas”). Earlier this year, he said during ceremonies at the Queer Hall of Fame in Vancouver that his father, who was among the first group inducted, would be proud to have received the honour and that he was himself proud of his father’s left-wing activism. Indeed, as Steve Jalsevac’s 2000 special report “The Real Pierre Trudeau: Father of Canada’s Permissive Society” makes clear, the late prime minister was a dangerous ideologue who remade Canada in his own leftist image. Presumably Justin Trudeau has similar visions.