In the December issue of The Interim we review As I See It, Michael Coren’s new collection of columns, and interview the famous Canadian journalist.
From the Paul Tuns interview with Coren:
The Interim: How did you become a columnist? What did you want to be growing up?
Michael Coren: Growing up I wanted to be soccer player, then a rugby player, then an RAF pilot, then a jazz musician. At university, I was told by a professor that I was a gifted writer and very lazy – “You should be a spy or a journalist.” MI-5 seemed dull, so I drifted into journalism. I had some lucky breaks, had two books published by the time I was 24, found quite a bit of work. Columns came along later.
From the Oswald Clark review of As I See It:
Coren no doubt turns off many readers with his unembarrassed and candid admissions of faith, but it is also what makes him one of Canada’s most popular columnists. He speaks from a heart that loves Christ, as millions of other Canadians do. The media pretend these people do not exist, but Coren speaks directly to them.
Because he does not tackle merely the issue of the day – the enactment of gay “marriage” or the 20th anniversary of an abortion ruling or the latest flare up in the Middle East – but also the intellectual underpinnings in which such events occur, and then applies a humane Christian common sense to them, these columns are never merely a trip down a journalistic memory lane. Instead, he reminds us of how things should be by attempting to rescue what T.S. Elliott called “the Permanent Things”: the foundational principles upon which our civilization has been built and that make our lives worth living.
You can purchase As I See It in hardcover or paperback through the publisher Freedom Press (Canada) Inc. or