
A well-backed Democrat candidate who ran for a position on the board of a top beltway-area school system has been found guilty of assault for ramming a pro-lifer with her car during this year’s national March for Life on January 24, LifeSiteNews has learned.

The assailant was Charisse Espy Glassman, the niece of former U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy. Hate to make a comment like this, but just imagine if a pro-lifer who was the niece of a Republican cabinet secretary had driven her car into a pro-abortion march. Wouldn’t this be the top story with all the major media outlets. Alas, nary a word in the so-called mainstream media. Searches for Charisse Espy Glassman on CNN and the New York Times found nothing.

The Washington Post had a report in July when Glassman withdrew from the election for school board (or was forced to withdraw — it is unclear) five months ago. The Post reported:

Court records from Superior Court in the District of Columbia say Glassman was charged with assault and possession of a prohibited weapon after the Jan. 24 incident.

The court records and a Democratic party source say Glassman was driving out of an alley at 3:44 p.m. in the 100 block of 1st St. NE near the Supreme Court building where there was a crowd of people taking part in the March for Life. A woman stepped in front of Glassman’s car, yelling at her to stop because of all the people around, the court papers say. Glassman allegedly laughed, revved her engine and moved forward. When the woman stepped back, Glassman allegedly kept laughing, moved forward again and hit the woman in the legs, the court records say. The woman suffered minor injuries.

Glassman denied intentionally striking the woman and said she was just trying to back up, the court papers say. Police say there is also video of the incident.

But there is nothing in the WaPo since, including anything about the actual guilty verdict. Would this be a non-story if the victim was a pro-abort or the perpetrator a Republican?

Here is a (somewhat dated) 35-page report on the violence committed by advocates of abortion — a story completely ignored by the media.