National Journal has a video worth taking a look at. The point of the three-minute news segment is that the older generation of pro-abortion leaders are out of touch with today’s young women. As Overbrook Research discovered in 2007, young people are more likely to be pro-life than pro-abortion. I would suggest that this is more of a backlash against the rhetorical excesses of abortion advocates than anything else as the older generation of pro-abortion feminists were peddling obvious lies that 1) the unborn child is not a human being, something proven untrue by ultrasound, and 2) that abortion was morally indistinguishable from removing tonsils. A movement that depends on lies is not likely to succeed for long; to quote Abraham Lincoln: “It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time. You can even fool some of the people all of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”