Lilit Marcus at The Gloss on the Duggars, who, Marcus says, challenges her pro-choice beliefs:
As a pro-choice woman, Michelle Duggar is the absolute test of my beliefs. I believe that choice means a woman can have kids or not have kids as she wants to, and that she should be able to control the size of her family as she sees fit. But when that choice is taken to an incredible extreme – 19 children, one of whom is battling health conditions in the hospital – part of me just wants to tell the Duggars to quit it already.
Of course, many pro-choice activists and feminists aren’t really pro-choice as they easily default to abortion. Marcus is downright nasty in describing Michelle Duggar and her family life. The Duggar lifestyle might not be for everyone, but it appears that it is so far removed from what Marcus is used to that she can only mock and deride it.