You should sign the petition to keep Sun News on the Canadian airwaves. The hosts on Sun News, especially Brian Lilley, Ezra Levant, and Interim columnist Michael Coren regularly cover issues of interest to pro-life, pro-family, pro-liberty Canadians. They deserve our support. Sign their petition to have the CRTC move Sun News to must-carry status which will allow the conservative news channel access the substantial pool of funds other Canadian channels receive. Having Sun News on the airwaves for all to watch means that there will be balance to the predominantly left-wing media (most notably the state broadcaster). If people don’t like Sun News, they don’t have to watch it, just like if you don’t like the CBC, you don’t have to watch it. All Sun News is asking for is “The same treatment that CBC News Network and CTV News Channel had when they started.”
This note (below) from Sun News personality Brian Lilley was passed along to us. It is of special interest to pro-lifers.
As I mentioned, Sun News has asked for a change to our licence that will allow us to have the same treatment that CBC and CTV had when they launched. Right now there are few Canadians that can even choose to order and watch Sun News since many cable companies will not carry it at all.
Sun News has been a strong voice supporting pro-life, pro-family and limited government ideals. This is what my show, Byline, has been about from the beginning. While this makes us different from the rest, I see that as a good thing since we add a news and diverse voice to the conversation.
We are asking friends to help us out by signing our petition which will tell the CRTC that Sun News is a valued service that all Canadians should have access to. You can sign up by visiting
Thanks so much,