By now everyone knows about the Focus on the Family ad that will air during the Super Bowl February 7th. You know, the commercial featuring collegiate football star Tim Tebow’s mother talking about her choice to keep her unborn baby 20 years ago. This has caused a furor among feminists and pro-aborts. Kierra Johnson, executive director of Choice USA, like many abortion advocates (including the National Organization for Women and the Feminist Majority) has called for for CBS to yank the Focus on the Family ad, saying, “This un-American hate doesn’t have a place in this all-American pastime.” It is widely speculated that the commerical features Tim’s mother Pam talking about the decision to keep her unborn son when a doctor suggested she have an abortion after contracting amoebic dysentery during a Christian mission in Asia. As Peter J. Smith of LifeSiteNews said of the reaction against the advertisement, the “feminist groups’ obsession with the as-yet-unseen content of the Tebow ad highlights an abysmal ideological attitude when it comes to defending women’s rights and dignity.”
Sarah Palin had an excellent comment on this:
My message to these groups who are inexplicably offended by a pro-woman, pro-child, pro-life message airing during the Super Bowl: please concentrate on empowering women, help with efforts to prevent unexpected pregnancies, stay consistent with your message that for too long women have been made to feel like sex objects in our “modern” culture and that we can expect better in 2010.
The so-called pro-choice side doesn’t like it when pro-lifers call them pro-abortion. However, when there is anything that highlights choosing life as opposed to choosing abortion, they take great umbrage, thus betraying their true agenda.
There is a Facebook page supporting the Tebow ad and a petition. You can also send messages of support to the Tebow family through the ‘Block Hard for Tim Tebow’ website.