Congressmen Chris Smith (R, NJ) and Dan Lipinski (D, IL) are two of the most outspoken and hardest working pro-life members of Congress so it is no surprise that they were elected co-Chairs of the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-life Caucus for the 112th Congress. Jill Stanek has a copy of the press release of the announcement. I hope that the Republican leadership understands what Democrat Lipinski said: “Protection of unborn children must be a legislative priority in the 112th Congress.” Thus far, Speaker-to-be John Boehner has indicated that ending taxpayer funding of abortion will be a priority for the next Congress. But what else will he and his party do? Or is that enough? Ensuring that Obamacare does not fund abortion was the only specific agenda item most Republicans mentioned in their election campaigns. But protecting the unborn is not a matter of political promises kept and mandates for this action or that, but protecting the human and constitutional rights of all Americans, born and unborn. It will be the job of the nominally bipartisan pro-life caucus (there are very few pro-life Democrats left in Congress) to keep the issue alive and hold the GOP leadership accountable.