
Feminist orthodoxy in school

Students for Life of America tweeted about a young Swedish nurse-midwife who was offered a job by the Höglandssjukhuset Women’s Center after successfully completing an internship in the spring of 2013. However, once Ellinor Grimmark told the center’s staff that her faith prevented her from committing abortions, she was told that “she was no longer welcome to work with them.” They questioned “whether [...]

2014-08-25T13:46:16-04:00August 25, 2014|Soconvivium|

Feminists vs. UN population controllers

C-Fam reports:  A partnership among abortion backers is showing cracks as feminists in the Global South are pushing back against environmentalists promoting population control measures. During the inaugural meeting of a new U.N. endeavor on the environment, one group took to social media to refute the “dubious linking” between population and climate change, arguing that “population control strategies inevitably lead to abuses, coercion, and [...]

2014-07-03T08:53:50-04:00July 3, 2014|Soconvivium|

McGinnis review of Men on Strike

Interim columnist Rick McGinnis reviewed Helen Smith's Men on Strike: Why Men are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream -- and Why it Matters in the November edition of The Interim. McGinnis gets a bit autobiographical: In college I’d witnessed the successes of first and second-wave feminism meld with Marxist ideology and solidify into a social orthodoxy that would become known [...]

2013-11-16T12:28:07-05:00November 13, 2013|Soconvivium|

Defending feminism (that is, the right kind of feminism)

In the midst of writing about the language of discussing abortion, I found an article on The Atlantic that caught my eye. Christina Hoff Sommers, an author and former philosophy professor who is probably best known for her 1995 book Who Stole Feminism?, offers another critique of the modern feminist movement. Only 23 percent of women and 16 percent of men are willing to [...]

2013-07-16T10:20:16-04:00July 16, 2013|Soconvivium|

The attacks on Rona Ambrose are important

Because they tell us a lot about her critics. A great column by the Toronto Sun's Lorrie Goldstein which begins: The ferocity of the attack on Status of Women Minister Rona Ambrose for voting in favour of a Conservative MP’s motion to study the question of when human life legally begins is not only absurd, it says a lot about the attackers. [...]

2012-10-04T07:47:31-04:00October 4, 2012|Soconvivium|

Feminism: how’s that working out for you, dear

S.E. Cupp in the Daily News: Last week, after the women of the Democratic National Convention had finished making their pitches for more government assistance to help further their sexual liberation, I took to Twitter to shed a collective tear. “Feminism weeps,” I wrote, “as (Sandra) Fluke and other DNC women get on their metaphorical knees to beg for government to take [...]

2012-09-13T11:08:32-04:00September 13, 2012|Soconvivium|

Spoiled feminist complains about not having it all

Gregg Easterbrook writes a football column for ESPN interspersed with political and cultural commentary. In his NFL predictions column (written in haiku), he has this tidbit on what he calls "après-feminism" that is appearing in dead-tree version of The Atlantic Monthly: Then this year came "Why Women Still Can't Have It All," a cover by Anne-Marie Slaughter, a Princeton dean and recent [...]

2012-09-04T10:53:32-04:00September 4, 2012|Soconvivium|
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