sex ed

A crisis from early-childhood-education to post-grad

A crisis from early-childhood-education to post-grad Mark Wegierski If there is anything that left-liberals in Canada clearly and unequivocally understand today, it is that education – from daycare to university – really is the key to society and the future. Hence, they have exerted enormous efforts to make education, in some respects at least, reflective of a broadly left-liberal ethos, and to [...]

2018-01-23T00:08:02-05:00January 23, 2018|Soconvivium|

Independent candidate runs against sex-ed in Scarborough-Rouge River

Queenie Yu says that "complaining is useless" so she's running as an independent candidate in an Ontario by-election in order to put her principles into action. The principle in question is Kathleen Wynne's radical sex-ed curriculum which Yu says "will do harm to children." Yu is running on one issue: to fully repeal the sex-ed curriculum that the Liberal government introduced in [...]

2016-08-15T12:04:51-04:00August 15, 2016|Issues, Sex Education, Soconvivium|

Anti-sex ed rally at Queen’s Park

It's nice to see that the CBC's Mike Crawley says that a half-hour before the 11 am start the crowd "is rather large already" for the anti-sex ed rally at Queen's Park today. Last time several reporters claimed dozens when it was in fact hundreds of protesters. Liberal MPPs, including Premier Kathleen Wynne, have faced numerous protests over the government's radical plan to "update" the [...]

2015-04-14T08:37:27-04:00April 14, 2015|Soconvivium|

Queen’s Park protest vs. sex-ed (Feb. 24)

There is a protest on February 24 from 11 am to 2 pm against the Ontario government and its plan to implement a radical sex-ed curriculum, a program that the Liberal government won't let parents see until sometime later this Spring (even though the government hopes to implement it by September). Two Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership candidates, Patrick Brown and Monte McNaughton, are [...]

2015-02-17T10:33:55-05:00February 17, 2015|Soconvivium|

Sex ed and abortion

A researcher found that 12.5% of women at the University of Quebec at Montreal have had an abortion with about a quarter of them having more than one. Needless to say the researcher, UQAM "sexologist" Sylvie Levesque, says there needs to be more sex ed and/or sexual health services on campus. I'm not sure how anyone can argue with a straight face [...]

2014-05-16T11:26:38-04:00May 16, 2014|Soconvivium|

Croatia, Communists, and Sex Ed

Tanya Granic Allen has a blog post about sex ed in the home country (so to speak) and connects the push for sex education today to the attempts by communists to destroy the Catholic faith.  Two snippets: So, you can imagine my disgust when I started hearing about the Centre-Left (read ex-commie) Croatian government pushing radical, sexual-education in the country's schools, a country whose [...]

2013-06-12T09:07:26-04:00June 12, 2013|Soconvivium|
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