Monthly Archives: January 2017

Talking points for pastorally sensitive and constructive conversations

Q: The allegations date back to the mid-1970s. Some leaders fear that even after retirement somebody disgruntled somewhere will bring up a complaint out of nowhere. Why do we even prosecute historic sexual assault? A: Regardless of whether they’ve held authoritative roles, most observers would recognize that allowing minors to drink in one’s home would be most unusual for a teacher and [...]

2017-02-03T08:52:52-05:00January 6, 2017|Religion, Society & Culture|

Top 10 stories of 2016

MPP Sam Oosterhoff 10. Renewed pro-life political activism in Canada Social conservatives were making news in Canada for grassroots involvement. The October victory of 19-year-old socially conservative Sam Oosterhoff over Ontario Progressive Conservative president Rick Dykstra for the party’s nomination in a by-election was heralded as a victory for the movement over the party establishment. But it began when grassroots [...]

2017-01-03T11:12:30-05:00January 1, 2017|Announcements, Cover stories, Euthanasia, Features, Issues|
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