Attention all Pro-Life Youth! Have you ever found yourself in a discussion and you couldn’t defend your beliefs? Are you interested in meeting people who know exactly where you’re coming from? Well, Students Against Violation of Life (SAVOL of the Greater Toronto Area understands this growing problem. We also realize that a greater respect for life needs to be established in the youth of the nineties. We believe that together we can make a difference!

On Saturday February 24, 1996, SAVOL will be holding our second annual conference at St. Michael’s College School in Toronto. The Theme of the conference is “Save The Future.” The conference is student initiated and student organized. Its aim is to educate youth about the importance of life, to encourage them to become more actively involved in finding constructive alternatives to crisis pregnancies and to share their ideas while making new Pro-Life friends!

The day’s activities will include guest speakers, pro-Life workshops run by youth, student presenters and facilitators, opportunities to meet pro-Life youth, free literature for your school library … and a whole lot more! Last May, a similar conference was held and the response was over-whelming! Over one hundred enthusiastic youth attended. This year SAVOL anticipates and even larger turnout. Your support and enthusiasm will make it an awesome day for all as we work together to “Save the Future!”

“If we’re not part of the solution, we’re part of the problem.”