The sexual revolution coincided with “flower power” and the arrival of The Pill. But the sexual revolution of the ’90s has a whole new flavour. Consider the evidence.
In July, more than 7,100 teenagers attending the National Baptist Federation conference in Hull, brought thousands of pledge forms signed by their peers across Canada, promising to abstain from sex until marriage.
The pledges were presented to David Kilgour, Deputy Speaker to the House, to pass on to Prime Minister Chrétien.
They stated “I have made a commitment to God, myself, my family, those I date, my future mate and my future children to be sexually pure from today until the day I enter a covenant marriage relationship.”
It is part of the church’s True Love Waits campaign to promote abstinence.
“All these ‘safe sex’ ads say sex is okay as long as you use a condom. We say that abstinence is the way to go,” 17-year-old Beth Chapman explains.
In May, some 500 students – half of them males – flocked to a Friday night Chastity Challenge rally in /Charlottetown. (See Interim, August 1994)
“Saved sex, not safe sex,” was the message they heard. It was brought by two 12-member teams of young adults to some 100,000 junior and senior high school students across Canada this spring.
Y Wait, a new group in Western Canada, is gaining much support for its chastity message, and also plans to use the traveling peer education approach next year.