Show the Truth

Endangered preborn

The World Wildlife Fund released its annual “Living Planet Report” subtitled “A system in peril.” The report states that “nature is being lost – with huge implications for us all,” asserting “biodiversity sustains human life and underpins our society.” We cannot help but wonder why there are no international organizations or agencies releasing similar reports decrying the systemic extermination of preborn children [...]

Liberal MP seeks to ban use of abortion victim imagery

Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes is supporting a petition banning the use of graphic abortion images. Whitby’s Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes is sponsoring an e-petition asking the Canadian government to censor and control what images pro-life advocates can use in public. E-petition 485 was launched August 15 by Oshawa resident Katherine Cavanagh, following several Show The Truth Canada (STT) events this [...]

2016-09-29T08:12:37-04:00September 30, 2016|Abortion, Show the Truth|
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