Michael Coren

Teachers, leave those kids alone

I suppose I’m old-fashioned. I thought teachers were supposed to teach, to make sure young people could read and write, do math, know some history and geography, perhaps some economics, and certainly some science. I don’t think media studies is a real subject, and sociology should only be a graduate level course. But this is nothing compared to what is [...]

2012-09-14T06:31:29-04:00September 6, 2012|Announcements, Features, Michael Coren, Sex Education|

What does the state have against normal families?

This June I interviewed Jessie Sansone on my Sun News TV show – the name of the man may not resister with most readers, but how about The Crayon Dad? This is the 26-year-old man who, earlier this year in Kitchener, Ont., was handcuffed, arrested, and strip-searched by the police, and whose three children were removed by the Children’s Aid [...]

2012-08-24T17:21:41-04:00August 24, 2012|Columnist, Michael Coren|

The bullying of schools has just begun

You knew it would happen, I knew it would happen, we all knew it would happen. In a sordid and cynical attempt to deflect from various scandals and mismanagement, the Liberal government of Ontario has told the Roman Catholic school system that it has to do what it’s told, not be Catholic, and embrace the lie that gay kids are perennial victims [...]

2012-07-16T14:31:24-04:00July 16, 2012|Announcements, Features, Michael Coren|

Growing old

Oct. 9 is a very ordinary date for some, but a very special one for me. It’s the birthday of two people I love very much indeed: my late mother and my son Oliver. Ten years ago, shortly before mum died, they managed to spend Oct. 9 together. One with so much to look forward to, with all of the [...]

2012-06-20T18:29:16-04:00June 20, 2012|Columnist, Issues, Michael Coren|

Get my new book

I’ve argued many times that the pro-life position is not essentially Christian, but an argument based on indisputable scientific truths and universal logic. The reason Christians are so enraged by the slaughter of the innocents, and so active in the campaign to end it, is that Christianity is God-given, that God created us, and thus as Christians we are especially and particularly [...]

Double standards

White guilt is a terrible thing to waste. Something that became profoundly clear during the trial of Mohammad Shafia, his wife Tooba Yahya, and their son Hamed earlier this year. Although the case was shocking, it was in fact only the most recent of a dozen murders in the last 12 years, most involving Muslim patriarchs killing young girls who [...]

2012-04-23T12:24:50-04:00April 23, 2012|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Save kids from radical teachers

There has been a great deal of discussion in Ontario recently about a radical and intrusive sex education curriculum being proposed by the province’s Liberal government. The entire campaign to indoctrinate young people into a gratuitous and obscene version of sexuality has been enormously damaging not only for children, but for parents as well. But what is sometimes forgotten in all [...]

2012-03-19T05:02:10-04:00March 19, 2012|Announcements, Features, Michael Coren, Society & Culture|

Shut up!

As I write my first column in 2012, and I’d like to introduce a new term, a new concept into the dialogue, the narrative of the Canadian body politic and public conversation. It’s this. Shut up! Yes, I know I sound a little rude, but there we are. As someone who has laboured in the media trenches for some years now, [...]

2012-02-23T10:27:01-05:00February 23, 2012|Announcements, Features, Michael Coren|

Sandusky is the tip of the iceberg

So former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky explained in a painfully clumsy interview that he was not sexually aroused by young boys, but does like to shower with them and touch their legs. Oh well, that’s okay then. No wrong-doing there. No sir, you’re a criminal and a pervert sir, and that is the end of story. Good God, who [...]

2012-01-27T07:59:26-05:00January 27, 2012|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Here we go again

Another story from the most important community in the history of the world, and one that should teach us a great deal about how truth is manipulated by the consensus media. The story is about – yes, you guessed it – gay people of course. In October, in a small town in Ontario, a lesbian couple were allegedly asked to leave [...]

2011-12-19T07:22:46-05:00December 19, 2011|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Alternative to public education needed

A few weeks ago I received an e-mail from someone named Chris Topple. He described himself as being a fairly typical Canadian. He lives in Oshawa, Ont. He said he wanted to tell me about his experience, and that of his four-year-old granddaughter. He wrote that she came home from junior kindergarten in her public school with a book in her [...]

2011-11-16T11:25:09-05:00November 16, 2011|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Truth slaughtered in Norway coverage

It seems a long time ago now, but the day that Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik committed his horrible crime was one that few of us will forget. Nor will we forget the aftermath, and how as soon as it became apparent that the man was not a Muslim and not motivated by Islam – a rare event in recent terrorist [...]

2011-09-29T10:08:54-04:00September 29, 2011|Columnist, Michael Coren|

Worrying trend

A worrying trend has developed in Canada and it threatens the very basis of free speech. Certain people no longer say, “I disagree with you”, but “you shouldn’t be allowed to say that.” It occurs in all areas, but never so often as when homosexuality is discussed. One example I particularly recall concerned a stylish and elegant book entitled Divorcing Marriage. Published [...]

2011-08-25T10:29:06-04:00August 25, 2011|Michael Coren|
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