Conscience Legislation

“Trudeau’s abortion litmus test”

Ottawa Won't fund students summer jobs unless employers support abortion The Liberal government of Justin Trudeau will ban any employer from receiving summer job grants for students if the employer doesn’t first sign an “attestation” that they agree with abortion and transgender “rights.” The new criteria were sent to all MPs and was made public when the Canada Summer Jobs Program opens [...]

Ontario doctors fight law forcing them to help kill their patients

Lawyer Albertos Polizogopoulos says doctors should not have to choose between their conscience and their practice. Five doctors and three doctors’ groups were in an Ontario court June 13-15 arguing a policy from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) violates their Charter rights to freedom of conscience and religion. The CPSO forces doctors to refer patients for [...]

2017-08-05T14:37:15-04:00August 5, 2017|Conscience Legislation, Euthanasia|

Senate holds hearings on C-16

Bill C-16 seeks to amend “the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination” and to amend the Criminal Code so that gender identity and gender expression are listed under the definition of “identifiable group” for protection against hate propaganda and are listed as aggravating circumstances for hate crimes. It passed [...]

Ontario Bill 84 has no protection for conscience rights

Last month, a number of legal, medical, and civil rights lobby groups appeared before an Ontario legislative committee in an attempt to persuade legislators to amend Bill 84 to protect the conscience rights of doctors and other medical professionals who refuse to participate in “medical assistance in dying” (MAID). The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs heard submissions by the Catholic [...]

2017-05-07T19:46:07-04:00May 7, 2017|Conscience Legislation, Human rights|

Conscience campaign launched

Larry Worthen The Call to Conscience Campaign was launched by the Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience to urge Ontario residents to lobby their MPPs to get them to amend Bill 84, the provincial government’s “Medical Aid in Dying Statute Law Amendment Act,” which has no protection for the conscience rights of health care workers. Bill 84 is expected to be [...]

2017-03-24T09:51:14-04:00March 24, 2017|Conscience Legislation, Population, Society & Culture|
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