Abortion Law

Mississippi law challenges Roe

Oswald Clark Analysis The Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on Dec. 1. The outcome of the case will not only determine the fate of the Mississippi state law outlawing abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, but possibly the fate of the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that found within [...]

2021-10-27T11:42:52-04:00October 27, 2021|Abortion, Abortion Law|

Ontario Bill 259 targets pro-life efforts

Joanna Alphonso: Ontario New Democrat MPP Terence Kernaghan (London North Centre) introduced Bill 259, the Viewer Discretion Act (Images of Fetuses) on March 8. Bill 259 directly targets the efforts of pro-life groups such as the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform (CCBR), which uses abortion victim photography in “Choice Chains” in high-traffic locations, but also distributes the images in residential mailboxes. The [...]

2021-07-23T09:35:03-04:00July 23, 2021|Abortion, Abortion Law, Politics|

PEI abortions double in two years

The number of abortions on Prince Edward Island has doubled in the two years since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government pressured the province to allow the killing of unborn children on the Island. PEI Ministry of Health data obtained by pro-life blogger Patricia Maloney show that there were 67 abortions on the Island in 2017, 86 in 2018, and 143 in [...]

2020-11-10T11:20:45-05:00September 25, 2020|Abortion, Abortion Law|

N.B. government stands up to Ottawa’s pressure to fund private abortuary

New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs has resisted federal pressure to fund the province’s only private abortion facility, Clinic 554, in Fredericton. Last fall, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the provincial government had an “obligation” to extend abortion funding to the private facility and in February, federal Health Minister Patti Hadju filed a report with Parliament about New Brunswick not paying [...]

2020-05-07T09:57:41-04:00May 7, 2020|Abortion Law, Conservatives, Politics|

Global push to declare abortion essential

In the early weeks of the coronavirus pandemic, hospitals began prioritizing care and governments began placing limits on non-essential services, but in many jurisdictions, abortion was deemed essential. In the United States, some states such as Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas sought to restrict or ban abortion during the pandemic, arguing that medical supplies should be saved for frontline health care [...]

Wagantall tables sex-selective abortion bill

Cathay Wagantall On Feb. 26, Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall (Yorkton-Melville) introduced Bill C-233, the Sex Selective Abortion Act, a private member’s bill that, if passed, will create a new penalty for medical practitioners who commit an abortion when the only reason is the genetic sex of the pre-born child. In a statement, Wagantall said, “Sex selective abortion is antithetical to our [...]

2021-05-08T09:19:36-04:00March 6, 2020|Abortion, Abortion Law, Politics|

11 countries declare Nairobi pro-abortion summit ‘illegitimate’

From November 12-14, thousands of abortion activists attended the Nairobi summit in Kenya, a conference that was organized by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the governments of Kenya and Denmark, in partnership with like-minded member states and organizations that promote abortion. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Republican pro-life Congressman Chris Smith said pro-abortion governments and organizations were trying to “hijack [...]

2019-12-03T15:06:06-05:00December 5, 2019|Abortion Law, Announcements, Features|

Alberta NDP pro-abortion motion defeated

Alberta pro-lifers claimed a victory Oct., 21 when Premier Jason Kenney’s United Conservative Party roundly defeated an NDP private member’s motion that called for increased access to abortion. Kenney joined other UCP MLAs to vote down Motion 506 by a 43-11 margin. Proposed by St. Albert MLA Marie Renaud, Motion 506 stated, “Be it resolved that the Legislative Assembly urge the Government [...]

2019-11-21T14:58:35-05:00November 22, 2019|Abortion Law|

Abortion and the Constitution in Canada and the U.S

National Affairs Rory Leishman In a televised debate on October 15th among Democrat candidates for President of the United States in next year’s election, former vice-president Joe Biden maintained: ”Reproductive rights are a constitutional right.” Furthermore, he promised to nominate people for the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) who can be relied upon to “support the right of [...]

2019-11-14T20:43:04-05:00November 14, 2019|Abortion, Abortion Law, Issues, Rory Leishman|

19 nations tell UN ‘no international right’ to abortion

US Secretary of Health Alex Asar told the United Nations there is no international right to abortion during an address before the General Assembly. The United States delivered a joint statement at the United Nations General Assembly Sept. 23 asserting “there is no international right to an abortion” and repudiating the use of ambiguous terms signaling abortion “rights” in UN [...]

2019-10-20T11:35:39-04:00October 20, 2019|Abortion Law, Human rights, Politics|

The pro-choice crack-up

Events of late suggest that the pro-life movement is getting under progressives’ skins. I don’t mean – merely – that the merchants of unrestricted abortion have become more than normally deracinated from reason. That is true, of course; but the good news is that they now seem genuinely spooked (rather than in the usual, performance-art sort of way). The beginnings of the [...]

2019-09-16T08:36:52-04:00September 16, 2019|Abortion, Abortion Law, Politics|

Unplanned success in Canada

Abby Johnson (left) talks with the actress Ashley Bratcher who played Johnson in Unplanned, on the set of the movie. When Unplanned, the story of abortion-worker-turned-pro-life-activist Abby Johnson,premiered in March in the U.S., Canadians were left wondering when they would be allowed to see the movie. Some pro-lifers organized boycotts and petitions of theatre chains that refused to bring the [...]

The Trudeau doctrine

A federal election looms, and the fortunes of the ruling Liberals aren’t looking good. Battered by a series of scandals that have shown the sinister side of a leader associated with “sunny ways,” the party is widely expected to lose its majority. If Justin Trudeau does lead his party to defeat, pro-life Canadians should celebrate. In stating this fact, we do not [...]

Despite backlash, Instagram a forum for abortion debate

A widely shared meme on Instagram during the debate on pro-life bills in Georgia and Alabama in May. Social media is a platform that continues to grow and change the way people interact with one another. Social networking services enable users to interact with people more rapidly and on a larger scale. Instagram is a photo and video-sharing service where [...]

Poisoning the well

Donald DeMarco Abortion advocates are getting nervous. Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, and Georgia have approved banning abortion from the moment fetal heartbeat is detected. In Alabama, Governor Kay Ellen Ivey has signed into law America’s most restrictive anti-abortion legislation.  Senators in that state, by a vote of 25 to 6, approved a bill that would ban nearly all abortions. The Media, [...]

2019-06-19T13:36:30-04:00June 20, 2019|Abortion, Abortion Law|
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