Health Risks

Teen students subjected to pill and vaccine pushers

The Women’s Health Matters Forum & Expo 2008 was held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Jan. 18-19. Hosted by the New Women’s College Hospital and sponsored by GM Canada, the Toronto Star and others, the event offered 40 seminars and was attended by 150 exhibitors with the theme of, “Linking Environmental Impacts and Women’s Health Issues.” A number of the presentations [...]

2009-12-23T10:21:30-05:00February 23, 2008|Health Risks, Marriage and Family|

Cancer society admits oral contraceptive-breast cancer link

In what may be a first, the Canadian Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute of Canada have admitted a link between oral contraceptives and breast cancer. In their 2007 Annual Stats report, an entire section was dedicated to the topic of breast cancer. According to the report, one in nine Canadian women will suffer breast cancer in her lifetime, accounting for [...]

2009-12-17T11:49:23-05:00February 17, 2008|Health Risks|

HPV vaccine and the truth

After the Huron-Superior District Catholic School Board rejected administering the anti-HPV vaccine Gardasil in its schools to pre-teen girls, Algoma Public Health attacked the board for what it implied were outright sexist views. The arguments were anti-Catholic and silly, so stale and predictable that APH should have been embarrassed to make them. Noting that females get the human papilloma virus from males [...]

2018-08-08T11:09:42-04:00December 8, 2007|Editorials, Health Risks|

Researchers take another step toward human cloning

For the first time, scientists have created a large batch of cloned embryos from the cells of adult primates, a breakthrough being hailed around the world as the next step towards creating cloned human embryos for research and “therapeutic” applications. Scientists working in Oregon say they have created embryos using the somatic cell nuclear transfer technique from the ova and skin cells [...]

2018-08-07T10:16:39-04:00December 7, 2007|Health Risks, Society & Culture|

HPV vaccine and the truth

After the Huron-Superior District Catholic School Board rejected administering the anti-HPV vaccine Gardasil in its schools to pre-teen girls, Algoma Public Health attacked the board for what it implied were outright sexist views. The arguments were anti-Catholic and silly, so stale and predictable that APH should have been embarrassed to make them. Noting that females get the human papilloma virus from males [...]

2018-08-07T10:03:33-04:00December 7, 2007|Health Risks|

Wal-Mart dabbling with the homosexual agenda

U.S. Southern Baptists are expressing concern over Wal-Mart’s dabbling in support of the homosexual agenda. They point out that typing the word “gay” into the company’s online bookstore search engine brings up more than 1,000 titles, including The Gay Disciple: Jesus’s Friend Tells It His Own Way. The Baptists are calling Wal-Mart on the family-friendly description it gives itself. This past spring, [...]

2018-08-03T08:37:02-04:00October 3, 2007|Health Risks, Human rights, Sex Education|

HPV vaccine: 21st century snakeoil

Snakeoil is a traditional Chinese medicine that treats joint pain, but the expression is more often used to describe the wildly exaggerated and sometimes fraudulent claims made in selling concoctions that will remedy or cure all sorts of ailments. But it is no exaggeration to call governments, some health officials and many in the media the 21st century snakeoil salesman in their [...]

2018-08-03T06:57:22-04:00October 3, 2007|Health Risks|

HPV vaccine: echoes of HRT

“Mind you, I don’t plan to be sexually active till at least 16,” said 13-year-old Kalen on national television, while her mother responded with laughter. “We have that on the record now,” she mom, smiling. The two were being interviewed for CBC’s The National in an in-depth look at the new vaccine Gardasil, which was unleashed this September on Ontario’s 13-year-old girls and [...]

2018-08-02T18:10:42-04:00October 2, 2007|Health Risks, Sex Education|

$300 million earmarked for HPV vaccine

In the March federal budget, the Conservative government earmarked $300 million for the provinces to purchase the controversial new HPV vaccination. Gardasil is a three-course vaccination produced by pharmaceutical giant Merck Frosst and is aimed at preventing the human papilloma virus, which causes cervical cancer in women The company recommends the vaccine for all girls between the ages of 9 and 26 [...]

2010-04-30T09:28:15-04:00June 30, 2007|Health Risks|

Organ donation bill opposed

For the past year, there has been an increased push by some in the healthcare system, the media and political circles to convince Canadians to sign their organ donor cards. For others, such information campaigns are not enough, so Ontario MPP Peter Kormos (NDP) went so far as to draft a private member’s bill that, if put into effect, would presume consent [...]

2010-04-28T08:51:15-04:00May 28, 2007|Bioethics, Health Risks|

Background on ‘harm reduction’

Supervised drug injection facilities, or “safe injection” sites, offer clean venues for the supervised intravenous abuse of illegal substances, reducing the sharing of needles and offering intervention for overdoses. These sites are intended to reduce HIV and hepatitis transmission, but do not necessarily stop addiction. •Such facilities are advocated by proponents of “harm reduction,” which is defined as a public health philosophy [...]

2010-03-31T05:40:03-04:00March 31, 2007|Health Risks|

Dion wants more ‘safe injection’ sites

Notwithstanding inconclusive evaluations of its success, Liberal party leader Stephane Dion has praised Vancouver’s supervised drug injection facility and promised that as prime minister, he would support mayors of other cities who want to establish similar projects. Relying on favourable information from the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS – including a notable study from November 2006 – Dion made two specific [...]

2010-03-31T05:38:50-04:00March 31, 2007|Health Risks, Politics, Society & Culture|

Raising awareness of ABC link

The first Sunday in October is a busy day in Canada. Most pro-lifers know it as Life Chain Sunday, but it is also the day that the CIBC sponsors Run for the Cure, an event that raises money for breast cancer research. This year, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, which organizes and profits from the run, reports on its website that the [...]

2010-08-31T08:27:53-04:00December 1, 2003|Abortion, Health Risks|

Raising awareness of ABC link

The first Sunday in October is a busy day in Canada. Most pro-lifers know it as Life Chain Sunday, but it is also the day that the CIBC sponsors Run for the Cure, an event that raises money for breast cancer research. This year, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, which organizes and profits from the run, reports on its website that the [...]

2010-09-01T08:21:53-04:00November 1, 2003|Abortion, Health Risks|

RU-486 kills again

On Sept. 17, the abortion drug RU-486 claimed its latest victim, a California teen. Well, that is not exactly true. Every day, hundreds of tiny, unborn victims are also killed by the chemical abortion agent. On Sept. 10, Holly Patterson, an 18-year-old girl from Livermore in the San Francisco-area, was given Mifepristone (the first of two stages in administering RU-486) at a [...]

2010-09-01T08:00:42-04:00November 1, 2003|Abortion, Health Risks|
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