Human Rights Commissions

The Bible As Hate Literature

Hugh Owens may well be the first Canadian ever fined for quoting the Bible, but unless Canadian Christians wake up from their apathetic slumbers and mount a counterattack against the persecutorial tyranny of kangaroo court human rights commissions, he won't be the last. The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission has ordered both Owens and the Saskatoon StarPhoenix newspaper to pay $1,500 to three [...]

2010-07-19T08:38:17-04:00June 19, 2001|Human Rights Commissions|

The Bible As Hate Literature

Hugh Owens may well be the first Canadian ever fined for quoting the Bible, but unless Canadian Christians wake up from their apathetic slumbers and mount a counterattack against the persecutorial tyranny of kangaroo court human rights commissions, he won't be the last. The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission has ordered both Owens and the Saskatoon StarPhoenix newspaper to pay $1,500 to three [...]

2010-07-16T13:59:38-04:00May 16, 2001|Editorials, Human Rights Commissions, Religion|

Saskatchewan human rights tribunal close to banning the Bible

Commentary by Bill Whatcott The Interim In 1993 when the NDP decided to add "sexual orientation" to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, Hugh Owens became incensed. Upon doing some research and reading various documents from the commission, Hugh concluded that "the Human Rights Commission is nothing more than a tax-funded homosexual propaganda machine," and filed a human rights complaint alleging that the [...]

2010-07-14T10:35:50-04:00April 14, 2000|Human rights, Human Rights Commissions, Religion|

Toronto Christian vows appeal of anti-gay ‘discrimination’ ruling

Analysis by Tim Bloedow The Interim A recent ruling in an Ontario Human Rights Tribunal case has produced one of the most explicit statements to date from a government agency relegating Christianity exclusively to the private sphere of life, banning its use as a legitimate defence for behaviour deemed unacceptable by the establishment. The case involved a complaint of discrimination taken to [...]

2010-07-14T10:28:22-04:00April 14, 2000|Human Rights Commissions, Marriage and Family|

Campbell’s Vriend ad draws fire

Earlier this spring, pro-life evangelist Ken Campbell purchased a full-page ad in The Globe and Mail. The ad condemned the "bathhouse morality" of many homosexuals, and argued against the recent Vriend decision, in which the Supreme Court of Canada forced Alberta to add "sexual orientation" to its human rights legislation. In the ad, Campbell said the ruling is an "assault on the [...]

2010-07-12T09:43:15-04:00August 12, 1998|Human Rights Commissions, Paul Tuns, Society & Culture|

Bastable a victim of cultural myths

Bastable a victim of cultural myths “I refuse to live by healthy people’s rules. I want choice.” Gloria Lawrenson Several months ago, Austin Bastable, the latest victim of American’s Dr. Death, Jack Kevorkian, wrote to Amnesty International and the Canadian Human Rights Commission, claiming to be a victim of “human rights abuses.” In reality, Bastable was more a victim of “cultural myths” [...]

2010-08-04T14:25:40-04:00June 4, 1996|Assisted Suicide, Human Rights Commissions|

Ontario bishops do not agree

Ontario In May of this year, the Justice Committee of the Ontario Legislature recommended placing “sexual orientation” under the Ontario Human Rights Act.  The proposal is buried in an omnibus bill with a variety of proposed changes to Ontario Legislation in order to bring these laws in harmony with the 1981 Charter of Rights. A copy of the letter from the president [...]

2009-07-09T09:10:50-04:00July 9, 1986|Human Rights Commissions, Society & Culture|

Discrimination in reverse

Members of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal should not air publicly their dissent from proposed legislative changes granting protection on grounds of sexual orientation, according to Ken Norman, a former chief commissioner of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission. Thomas Schuck, a Weyburn lawyer and a member of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal since January 1984, has come under fire from those promoting [...]

2009-07-09T06:37:54-04:00May 9, 1986|Human Rights Commissions, Society & Culture|

Conscientious objection to abortion by nurses

Canadian nurses, who do not wish to assist at abortions, are in a very difficult legal position. This is based on the fact that there is no "conscience clause" in the abortion section of the Federal Criminal Code. The Provincial Human Rights Codes, however, usually provide that no one can be discriminated against on the basis of "creed". Thus, nurses, in theory, [...]

2009-06-23T06:47:13-04:00May 23, 1983|Abortion, Bioethics, Human Rights Commissions|

Gordon Fairweather attacks Unborn

Gordon Fairweather, who anguished as a Conservative Member of Parliament for the federal riding of Fundy-Royal in New Brunswick for many years, was picked out of obscurity in 1977 by Prime Minister Trudeau and appointed Chief of Commissioner of Human Rights Commission of Canada. It may we be that his appointment was due more to the fact that the Liberal party felt [...]

2009-06-19T13:37:42-04:00March 19, 1983|Abortion, Human Rights Commissions, Politics|
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