US Briefs

And then there was this …

Canada Conservative MP David Anderson (Cypress Hills-Grassland) introduced a bill that would make it a crime to intimidate health care workers to force them to directly or indirectly take part in euthanasia. The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act, or Bill C-418, is expected to be debated in Parliament May 29, and Campaign Life Coalition is asking Canadians to get behind the [...]

And then there was this …

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is at it again. He is giving $30 million Canadian tax dollars over the next five years to developing countries to push his homosexual and gender identity agenda. Global Affairs Canada, through Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau, said Canada “is committed to advocating for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirited (LGBTQ2) and [...]

And then there was this …

Canada By a 1996 agreement, St. Martha’s Catholic Hospital in Antigonish, N.S., was taken over by the Eastern Regional Health Board, but continued to be staffed by the Sisters of St. Martha. The sisters, the board, and the N.S. Health Department signed an agreement to ensure the hospital’s Catholic identity and values would be preserved. The agreement expressly forbids “assisting” suicide and [...]

And then there was this …

Canada The BBC World News reported that, “Canada has become a hot destination for parents-to-be looking for ‘altruistic surrogates’ – women who give birth to babies they are not genetically related to.” Canadian legislation makes it easy for “intended” parents to obtain legal parenthood of a surrogate baby. Canadian fertility consulting agencies match up couples (usually infertile couples, same-sex male couples and [...]

And then there was this …

Canada Canadian International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau told a family planning conference in Kigali, Rwanda, that developing countries, especially in Africa, must do more to offer “family planning services” including contraception and abortion, in order to combat poverty. The Trudeau government maintains that breaking down “barriers” are necessary for “women and girls to develop their full potential.” She complained that while some countries’ [...]

And then there was this …

Canada Canada’s Supreme Court authorised the practice of euthanasia, or medical-assistance-in-dying, in 2016 with the following exceptions forbidden by law: euthanasia for “mature minors,” i.e. those under the age of 18; psychiatric patients; and those whose illness falls beyond the ability of capacity to make an informed decision (for example, those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease). The Trudeau government tasked the Council of [...]

And then there was this …

Canada Doug Ford, Ontario’s new Progressive Conservative Premier has announced that the province’s colleges and universities have until January 2019 to have in place a free-speech policy or face funding cuts. “Colleges and universities should be places where students exchange different ideas and opinions in open and respectful debate,” he stated. The Canadian Federation of Students slammed the move as “an unprecedented [...]

And then there was this …

Canada The Canadian Paediatric Society is recommending that teen girls use intra-uterine devices (IUDs) as their first choice of artificial birth control. In an article in the May 31 National Post, the Society waxed eloquent on the positive aspects of IUDs, while playing down any negative effects. But what truly stands out is the inability or unwillingness of the Society to urge [...]

2018-08-07T09:55:04-04:00August 7, 2018|Across Canada, US Briefs, World Briefs|

And then there was this …

Canada Police in Vancouver are describing the crime as a “double shooting” after a 23-year-old man shot a pregnant 31-year-old woman. The woman lost the baby but she is expected to survive the shooting. Under Canadian law, police cannot charge the assailant for killing a preborn child as a baby is not a victim of a crime until after it is born. [...]

2018-06-29T05:21:07-04:00June 28, 2018|Bits n' Pieces, Media Briefs, US Briefs|

US Briefs

United States The U.S. records almost 45,000 deaths by suicide each year, seven out of ten by white males. This does not include the so-called “slow suicides” from prescription-drug overdose, alcohol-related alcohol liver failure, and road accidents linked to alcohol abuse, again prevalent among American white males. In contrast, Germany, the U.K., France and Sweden show holding steady or declining statistics. Princeton [...]

2018-05-28T12:04:04-04:00May 25, 2018|US Briefs|

US Briefs

Pro-abortion justice retires WASHINGTON – Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, a pro-abortion liberal appointed to the Supreme Court by Republican President Gerald Ford in 1975, has announced he will retire after the current term ends in June at the age of 89. He voted to uphold Roe v. Wade in the 1992 case Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and endorses the notion [...]

2010-05-26T14:01:37-04:00May 26, 2010|US Briefs|

Bits & Pieces

Canada 2006 census figures released by Statistics Canadashow that same-sex couples with children are more likely to get “married” than same-sex couples without children. University of B.C. law professor Fiona Kellyhas found that “married” lesbians usually cite their children as the reason for getting married … The Vancouver Sunreports fully one-quarter of clients at one unnamed fertility clinic in that city are [...]

2018-08-02T18:07:00-04:00October 2, 2007|Bits n' Pieces, US Briefs, World Briefs|

U.S.A. Briefs

Pediatricians calls for end to ESCR GAINESVILLE, Fl. - The American College of Pediatricians has called for an end to embryonic stem cell research, because, according to Dr. Tom Benton of the College, "The research has not been successful in terms of treatment. And, of course, the concern that it's taking lives when you get embryonic stem cells." The college says that [...]

2010-06-30T13:19:36-04:00August 30, 2007|US Briefs|

U.S. Briefs

Hospital withdraws ventilator from baby HOUSTON – At the order of a county judge, Sun Hudson, a five-month-old baby diagnosed with dwarfism and suspected of having lungs to small to support life, was removed from the ventilator which assisted the child with breathing since his birth. The Houston Chronicle reported bioethicists say it was the first time a U.S. judge has ever [...]

2010-07-29T12:49:38-04:00April 29, 2005|US Briefs|

Bits ‘n’ Pieces

United States Rep. Mark Souder (R, Ind.) and former Congressman Tom Coburn (R, Okla.) send letters to the federal Centres for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration urging them to put medically accurate warnings on condoms. In 2001, a CDC study found "there was no ... evidence that condom use reduces the risk" of infection for human papillomavirus, the cause [...]

2010-08-30T13:55:56-04:00October 30, 2003|Across Canada, Bits n' Pieces, US Briefs, World Briefs|
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