World Briefs

World Briefs

Sex-selection IVF FAIRFAX, Va. - The Genetics and IVF Institute is conducting a Food and Drug Administration-endorsed clinical trial of the new Microsort technology for sex-selection of embryos created using in-vitro fertilization. Thus far, 400 couples have signed on to the trial, which is nearly half-way to completion. The Microsort technique for sex-selection involves using dye to mark sperm and a laser [...]

2010-08-05T12:48:00-04:00February 5, 2004|World Briefs|

News Briefs

MAP available without prescription in Saskatchewan New Brunswick Gay activist charged Supreme Knight blasts 'Catholic' Canadian politicians India's culture of death MAP available without prescription REGINA - Saskatchewan's NDP government has allowed pharmacists to dispense the abortifacient morning after pill without a doctor's prescription. Under new regulations, after taking a short course, pharmacists are able to distribute the drugs. "We have 245 [...]

2010-08-30T13:57:13-04:00October 30, 2003|Abortion, Issues, Society & Culture, World Briefs|

Bits ‘n’ Pieces

United States Rep. Mark Souder (R, Ind.) and former Congressman Tom Coburn (R, Okla.) send letters to the federal Centres for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration urging them to put medically accurate warnings on condoms. In 2001, a CDC study found "there was no ... evidence that condom use reduces the risk" of infection for human papillomavirus, the cause [...]

2010-08-30T13:55:56-04:00October 30, 2003|Across Canada, Bits n' Pieces, US Briefs, World Briefs|

Bits ‘n’ Pieces

U.S. politics Pro-abortion and population control proponent billionare George Soros is funding a new political action group, America Coming Together, to oppose President George W. Bush and numerous pro-life senatorial and congressional candidates. The anticipated $75 million fund was set up with a $10 million donation from Soros and will be headed by Ellen Malcolm, president of EMILY's List, a pro-abortion political action committee. [...]

World Briefs

U.K. in euthanasia hurry Bizarre gay cannibalism murder Slovak pols refuse to sign abortion bill Inflated stats used to promote abortion Peru cabinet turns pro-abort U.K. in euthanasia hurry LONDON - The disability rights group No Less Human condemned the short time allowed for giving evidence to the Joint Select Committee on the Draft Mental Incapacity Bill, a parliamentary inquiry into the [...]

2010-08-05T12:46:44-04:00August 5, 2003|World Briefs|

Bits ‘n’ Pieces

Canada The Canadian Press reports that "a part-time job counselling United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan is almost a certainty" for Jean Chretien once he steps down as prime minister ... The National Post reports that one-world advocate and depopulation extremistMaurice Strong, currently a special adviser to Annan, will become a senior adviser for international and environmental issues to Paul Martin if he wins the Liberal leadership [...]

Happy birthday Fr. Ted

For Father Ted, intorductions are unnecessary, and superlatives are inadequate: we can only offer our gratitude. His courageous deeds, inspiring words and unparalleled acts of bravery and selflessness, have invigorated a generation of pro-life Canadians. He has prayed, protested, and been arrested many times, and still he remains an undaunted champion for the unborn. His conviction is rivaled only by his compassion. [...]

2010-07-30T08:53:18-04:00July 30, 2003|Abortion, Euthanasia, Society & Culture, World Briefs|

World Briefs

Connecticut Supreme Court rules unborn part of mother's body Successful pro-life T-shirt day in Stafford, Virginia Euthanasia in decline in Netherlands? EU to monitor pro-lifers Male mice produce eggs in Tokyo Unborn ruled part of mother's body HARTFORD, Ct. - In a decision that upset both sides of the abortion debate, the Supreme Court of Connecticut ruled that an unborn baby is [...]

2010-07-29T13:53:48-04:00June 29, 2003|Issues, World Briefs|

World Briefs

PP Politically motivated exaggeration in Nairobi Botched abortion in England Dutch doctors balk at euthanasia requirements Japanese euthanasia case Politically motivated exaggeration NAIROBI - The International Planned Parenthood Federation told participants at its conference in Kenya, which included the health ministers of Ghana, Mozambique and Namibia, that liberalizing abortion laws in African countries could prevent as many as 30,000 maternal deaths. Campaign [...]

2010-07-29T13:10:22-04:00May 29, 2003|Abortion, Euthanasia, Society & Culture, World Briefs|

World Briefs

Mental suffering no reason for euthanasia Germany considers tougher cloning ban Liberalization of abortion in Poland opposed UNFPA caught in coercive family planning Modest Taiwanese abortion limit proposed Malaysian Muslims approve research cloning 400,000 Filipino abortions Mental suffering no reason for euthanasia AMSTERDAM - The Dutch Supreme Court has ruled that a doctor, Philip Sutorius, who helped an elderly man "tired of [...]

2010-07-27T11:39:36-04:00February 27, 2003|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Doctor claims clone imminent Two Italians jailed for illegal abortions Wrong diagnosis in pregnancy PM condemns euthanasia Pro-lifers hold off abortion in Namibia Abortion leads to Indian gender imbalance Doctor claims clone imminent ROME - Italian cloning promoter and medical charlatan Dr. Severino Antinori claims to know a patient who is eight months' pregnant with an "absolutely healthy" cloned baby boy.Of course, [...]

2010-07-26T13:09:52-04:00January 26, 2003|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Abortion-induced infertility crisis MOSCOW - Vladimir Kulakov, Russia's chief gynecologist and head of Russia's Scientific Centre for Girls, said that 60 per cent of all Russian pregnancies end in abortion, with another 10 per cent ending in miscarriages that are a result of health problems and malnutrition. Kulakov noted that six million Russian women are now infertile and that abortion is a [...]

2010-08-26T13:57:19-04:00December 26, 2002|World Briefs|

World Briefs

Taiwan promotes larger families Peru weakens protection for unborn Call to end spermicide use Guernsey moves toward euthanasia Taiwan promotes larger families TAIPEI - The Taiwanese ministry of the interior and the council for cconomic planning and development have proposed incentives to encourage couples to have more than two children. The inducements include payments of about $855 to couples with at least [...]

2010-08-24T11:13:52-04:00November 24, 2002|World Briefs|

World Briefs

California now most pro-abortion state SACRAMENTO, Calif. - In one day, California's pro-abortion Democratic Governor Gray Davis signed two bills strongly supported by the abortion industry - bills that the California Pro-Life Council says "jeopardize the lives of women and minors seeking abortions in California." The Reproductive Privacy Act will replace the 1967 Therapeutic Abortion Act, and in the process remove the [...]

2010-08-05T09:43:31-04:00October 5, 2002|World Briefs|

World Briefs

India ponders anti-child policies NEW DELHI - India's National Commission on Population may override the country's current population policy that's been in place for two years. The commission's recommendations include enforced sterilization and limiting families to having just two children. More than 15 million babies are born annually in India. Population growth for developed states in India are 2.1 children per couple, [...]

2010-08-04T08:06:24-04:00July 4, 2002|World Briefs|
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