I am very honoured to serve as the editor of The Interim and I want to thank everyone who has contributed to its success over the years: the staff, contributors, and volunteers, as well as subscribers. I especially want to thank my seven predecessors for leading and building a newspaper like no other: Jim Hughes, the late Carl Scharfe, Sabina McLuhan, Fr. Alphonse de Valk, Peter Muggeridge, Mike Mastromatteo and David Curtin.

You, like I, believe in the need for excellent pro-life journalism. We strive to make each issue the best issue we have ever published. We do not always succeed, but that does not mean we are not trying to produce a paper of which the pro-life community can be proud.

We recently held a session with several pro-life leaders to examine the future of the paper. We have a number of plans to make The Interim even better. If you have any ideas on how we can better serve Canada’s pro-life community, please let us know. Email me at ptuns@lifesite.net. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours for life,
Paul Tuns