A quarter century ago, Campaign Life Coalition started The Interim because the mainstream media refused to cover several press conferences held in Ontario by Bernard Nathanson. Nathanson is a former abortionist and co-founder of the U.S. National Abortion Rights Action League, but he changed his mind and came to Canada to tell why. Instead of complaining about media bias, CLC did something about it: it started a newspaper to provide the truth about abortion.

Several skeptics said there was no need for a second edition and a few naysayers said it would never last. Twenty-five years later, we are still going strong. That is because there is still – and always will be – a need for honest reporting on life and family issues.

When the Canadian media are not ignoring the abortion issue and other socially conservative stories, they often provide a blatantly left-wing, pro-abortion spin. Take, for example, the Globe and Mail’s advocating for Henry Morgentaler to be named to the Order of Canada. The apologist for the abortionist is the paper’s medical reporter, which calls into question his objectivity when reporting stories on abortion and other “reproductive health” issues.

Sadly, as an antidote to the mainstream media’s anti-life, anti-family bias, this paper is still necessary. And you have our promise that we will continue to provide honest reporting and insightful commentary on important issues in our society. It is our hope that you will be moved to act to restore moral sanity within our culture, to challenge the degradations of the culture of death and live and build the culture of life.