Interim Plus – Curriculum Supplements for Schools

Since September 2001 The Interim, Canada’s life and family monthly has produced a curriculum supplement using material drawn from articles that appear in newspapers, journals, and internet sites.

The material addresses life issues in our society. Teachers in various subject areas, like history, geography, philosophy, religion, family studies, sciences, and philosophy might welcome this special material in their planning of lessons where applicable.

The Interim Plus, is available via email by signing on to our educators list. It is also available online on our website.

As experience proves, some public policies, practices and decisions threaten both the beginning and end stages of human life, when we are at our weakest and most in need of protection.

The supplement reflects this overarching concern in its coverage of contemporary developments in the world.

It also represents one small way to keep these concerns in the forefront. Your cooperation in making this service known to your teacher colleagues would be much appreciated.

November/December 2022 Volume 22 No. 4

Part A: Introduction to Christmas 2022 pages 1-3

Part B: Reflections of Some Saints on Christmas pages 3-4

Part C: The Economics of Christmas and Assorted Other Concerns pages 5-6

Part D: Analysis of Christmas Carols/Music pages 7-9

Part E: Christmas Quizzes and Crossword pages 10-16

Part F: Final Reminder of Father Ted Colleton Scholarship Deadline page 17

Merry Christmas Greeting

April-May 2022 Volume 22 No. 3

Part A: Defining the Problem pages 1-3

Part B: What is Driving Up the Price of Food? page 3-8

Part C: Elements of Food Security Explained: World Vision Experience pages 8-10

Part D: The Canadian Context pages 10-15

Part E: Food Waste pages 16-20

Part F: The Federal Budget, The 2021 Canadian Census pages 20-24

 March-April 2022 Volume 22 No. 4

For the final lap of the school year, we offer some material to help teach critical thinking skills via the analysis of political cartoons. There is a variety of cartoons recommended on many subjects or issues in the news. Controversies abound, and we need to take note of them and at the same time continue to teach students to look behind the headlines to better understand news reports, even when such are illustrated for us in a cartoon. If you find the material interesting and useful, please share with colleagues.

 February 2022 Volume 22 No. 1

Part A: Media Bias: An Introduction pages 1-3
Part B: Classroom Assignment page 3-4
Part C: Content, Technology, Business of News, Institutions/Wireservices, Audience pages 4-11
Part D: Case Study I Russia-Ukraine Tensions pages 12-16
Part E: Case Study II Trucker Convoy pages 16-18
Part F: Special Case: Social Conservatism pages 18-20
Part G: Announcement of Prize Winners in Father Ted Colleton Scholarship page 21


 December, 2021 Volume 21 No. 1

Featuring some thoughts to reflect upon for Christmas, some fun quizzes on the theme of Christmas and the reminder that the deadline for students to submit their application and essay for the Father Ted Colleton Scholarship is December 1, 2021. The scholarship program will award three prizes of $2000, $1500 and $1000 respectively. Please share the ideas with appropriate colleagues and bring the deadline to the attention of interested senior students.


 November, 2021 Volume 21 No. 9

  • CRISPR in Context: Towards a Socially Responsible Debate on Embryo Editing
  • A brief history of biotechnology
  • The business of science


 October, 2021 Volume 21 No. 8 

  • What is CRISPR?
  • Control
  • Ethics
  • The Promise of CRISPR and Artificial Intelligence
  • Social Inequality
  • Fundamental principles and beliefs
  • Vaccines and other benefits


 September, 2021 Volume 21 No 7

  • Canada Votes
  • Our System of Government and Why We Have Elections 
  • The Election Campaign
  • Canada’s Political Parties and Their Leaders
  • Classroom Election Activities


March 2021 Edition Volume 21 No. 6

Introduction Howard Goodall BBC Series
Music, Nationalism and Propaganda
Music, Protest, Social and Political Causes
Marketing of Music
The Case for Music in the Curriculum
Music, Religion and Worship


February 2021 Edition Volume 21 No. 5

Part A- Introduction to Black History Month
Part B – Black History and Black Lives Matter
Part C – Freedom’s Journal Institute
Part D – Statues and Monuments: CRT in Action?


 December, 2020 Volume 21 No. 5

  • Part A Reflections
  • Part B Variety of Quizzes on the theme of Christmas
  • Part C Crossword and Merry Christmas Greeting


 November, 2020 Volume 21 No. 4

  • Part A: The Pandemic, Its Origins, Its Spread and Lethal Nature 
  • Part B: The Pandemic and Politics, Government Reactions, Democracy
  • Part C: The Pandemic and Science, Race for the Vaccine pages 7-9Part D: The Pandemic and Economics Effects, Globalization, Immigration …


 October, 2020 Volume 21 No. 3

  • Part A – American system of government: historical background, Why a republic, Constitution, three branches of government, electoral college
  • Part B Presidential Campaign, Candidates, Issues, media coverage
  • Part C Election and the Abortion Issue


 March 2020: Volume 21 No. 2

  • Climate change, faith and moral ethics
  • Editorial: Climate change is church’s No. 1 pro-life issue
  • Climate and Population…

February 2020 Edition Volume 21 No. 1
Climate Change and Science, Politics, and Faith
Climate Myth vs What the Science Says
 Pg. 1
Pro & Con Arguments  Pg. 2 – 8
Role of Media in the Climate Change Debate  Pg. 9
Media Bias Regarding Climate Change Pg. 10
Specific Arguments and Sites Helpful in
Understanding Them Pg.14
Are there Solutions? A Canadian Answer from Macleans  Pg. 19


December 2019  Volume 20 No. 3
Christmas Is Preceded by Advent Pg. 2
The Master Trivia Christmas Quiz Pg. 3
Let’s test your musical memory Pg. 6
Biblical Knowledge Quiz Pg. 7
Short Stories of Interest For Young Children Pg. 8

September Interim Plus

September 2019 Part 2 Edition Volume 20 No. 2
Part A: To Vote or Not to Vote Pg. 1
Part B: Why Do Young People Not Vote Pg. 5
Part C: Social Media and Political Election Campaigns Pg. 10
Part D: How could voting be improved, both in numbers and method? Pg. 13
Part E: Costs of Election Campaigns Pg. 17

September Interim Plus

September 2019 Volume 20 No. 1
Our System of Government and Why We have Elections Pg. 1
The Election Campaign Pg. 3
Classroom Election Activities Pg. 4
Election Debates Pg. 7
Father Ted Colleton Scholarship Pg. 9

 May/June  2019 Volume 19 No. 5

The final learning resource for this academic year is devoted to political cartoons, those graphic portrayals that grace the editorial page of newspapers, journals and magazines.  This type of art has a long history.  It is an excellent way to provoke discussion about current events.

Climate Change P. 4
Free Speech  Pg. 5
Social Media  Pg. 6
Abortion  Pg. 6
Provincial Issues  Pg. 7
Euthanasia P. 8
Federal Leaders  Pg. 8
Racism  Pg. 9
Immigration  Pg. 10
Terrorism  Pg. 10
Education  Pg. 11
First World War  Pg. 11
Petroleum Industry P. 12
Communism  Pg. 12
Brexit  Pg. 12
Bioethics  Pg. 13
Technology  Pg. 13

April Interim Plus

April  2019 Volume 19 No. 4
Pope Addresses Fatherhood Crisis, Reminding Men That Children Need Guidance P. 2
Essay: Fatherhood vs Motherhood  Pg. 3
Motherhood and Fatherhood: the psychological foundations for children
security and flourishing in an increasingly complex world  Pg. 5
Time to salute what fatherhood is all about  Pg. 13
The true Meaning and value of motherhood  Pg. 15

February Interim Plus

February  2019 Volume 19 No. 3
The Pessimists vs  The Optimists  Pg. 1
Part A The Doomslayer Pg. 2
Part B  Perilous Optimism  Pg. 5
Part C  Second Harvest, agency that works to reduce food waste Pg. 10
Part D  Assignment for Class Discussion  Pg. 13
Part E  The Ontario Christian Gleaners Pg. 14
Part F  Eliminate humanity for the good of the planet  Pg. 16
Father Ted Colleton Scholarship Prize Winners Pg. 19

November/December Interim Plus

November/December  2018 Volume 19 No. 2
Some Reflections on the Meaning of Christmas  Pg. 1
More Quotes on Christmas to Discussion and Reflection Pg. 5
Christmas Facts and Fun  Pg. 6
Crossword Puzzle Pg. 10

November/December Interim Plus

November/December  2018 Volume 19 No. 2
Some Reflections on the Meaning of Christmas  Pg. 1
More Quotes on Christmas to Discussion and Reflection Pg. 5
Christmas Facts and Fun  Pg. 6
Crossword Puzzle Pg. 10

September/October Interim Plus

September/October 2018 Volume 19 No. 1
The Philosophy of Personhood
Introducing the Important Criteria and their Flasw in Understanding Pg. 2
The Law in Canada  Pg. 4
Part B:  Expressed in a Different Way Pg. 6
Doing or Being Pg. 8
What is the difference between a person and a human? Pg. 10

April/May Interim Plus

April/May  2018 Volume 18 No. 6
Part A: Nature and Structure of Canada’s System of Government Pg. 1
Why Do We Have Elections?  Pg. 3
Part B:  Identifying and Tracking the Key Issues
in the 2018 Ontario Provincial Election  Pg. 5
Part C:  Participation, Media and Finances  Pg. 10

February Interim Plus

February 2018 Volume 18 No. 5
Does the “Emperor” Have Any Clothes? Pg. 1
Canadian Liberty and the Politics of Fear Pg. 1
Ottawa won’t find students summer jobs unless employers support abortion Pg. 5
Pro-life leader tells Trudeau to stop lying about abortion Pg. 6

January Interim Plus

January 2018 Volume 18 No. 4
The Climate Change Debate

December Interim Plus

December 2017 Volume 18 No. 3
Quiz on Christmas Lore Pg. 1
Multiple Choice Questions Pg. 2
Can you Match The Foods? Pg. 4
The Meaning Of Christmas Pg. 5
Answers & Crossword Puzzle Pg. 7ff

October Interim Plus

October 2017 Volume 18 No. 2
Critical Thinking About a Special Case of Justice in Canada Pg. 1
Why Do Societies Need Laws Pg. 2
Globe editorial: Keep the purity tests out of Parliament Pg. 5
John Ivison: Ousting of anti-abortion committee chair an act of blatant Liberal hypocrisy Pg. 6
Reminder of the Deadline for the Father Ted Colleton Scholarship Pg. 7

September 2017 Interim Plus

September 2017 Volume 18 No. 1
Universal Basic Income Pg. 1
The Ontario Experiment Pg. 7
Celebration of Canada’s 150th Pg. 11
Abortion and Canada’s Foreign Policy Pg. 13

April 2017 Interim Plus

April 2017 Volume 17 No. 3
Part A: Family Studies/Parenting/Social Sciences
Part B: Increasing Danger of Tech Devices in Life of Families
Part C: The Emergence of Media: Humanity’s Endgame
Part D: Foreign Aid

March 2017 Interim Plus

March 2017 Volume 17 No. 2
PartA: Parenting in a challenging environment
Appendix: Containing highlights excerpts from Amoris Laetitia
Part B: The changing family
Part C: Evangelical Christianity
Evangelical views of family relations

February 2017 Interim Plus

February 2017 Volume 17 No. 1
PartA: The Nature And Meaning of History
Part B: History and Myths
Part C: Achievements and Pride
Part D: Non-American Black History and Achievements
Part E: Black History Month Canada
Part F: Contemporary Problems In the Black Family

December 2016 Interim Plus

December Volume 16 No. 3
PartA: Mary: A Pro-life Rose Model at Christmas
Part B: Christmas in literature and film
Part C: Why Life is at the Heart of Advent
Part D: Light Humour with a Christmas Twist

October 2016 Interim Plus

October Volume 16 No. 2
PartA: Mathematics of Data Management
Part B: View of the American Political System


September 2016 Interim Plus

September Volume 16 No. 1
Presidential Election

March 2016 Interim Plus

March Volume 15 No. 5
Electoral Reform
Technology & Artificial Intelligence


February 2016 Interim Plus

February Volume 15 No. 4
Father Ted Colleton Scholarship, Individuals and Families in a Diverse Society
Thermodynamics, The Big Bang, and The Start of Life and Conception

December 2015 Interim Plus

December Volume 15 No. 3
The Meaning of Christmas, Christmas Wishes On a Tree, Christmas Fun and Media Studies

November 2015 Interim Plus

November Volume 15 No. 2
Mathematics and Theology

September 2015 Interim Plus

September Volume 15 No. 1
Election & Father Ted Scholarship

May/June 2015 Interim Plus

May/June Volume 14 No. 6
Genetic Modifications & Eugenics

March/April 2015 Interim Plus

March/April Volume 14 No. 5
Frankenstein and Contemporary Issues + Bio-ethical Issues + Supreme Court Decision and Euthanasia

January-February 2015 Interim Plus

January/February Volume 14 No. 4
Excerpts from Fr. Ted Colleton essays + Power and Influence of Music and Frankenstein: A lesson in Hubris

December 2014 Interim Plus

December Volume 14 No. 3
Christmas Curriculum Supplement for Schools

October 2014 Interim Plus

October Volume 14 No. 2
Social Media and Celebrating Remembrance Day

September 2014 Interim Plus

September Volume 14 No. 1
Father Ted Scholarship and Migration of People


April/May 2014 Interim Plus

March Volume 13 No. 6
Lessons on Law, Defying Common Sense, Lessons on Media Arts and Journalism and News

March 2014 Interim Plus

March Volume 13 No. 5
Geography Supplement, Stewardship and Population Control, Marketing Studies and Public Witnessing

December 2013 Interim Plus

December Volume 13 No. 3
Christmas Issue

November 2013 Interim Plus

November Volume 13 No. 2
Remembrance Day, Recognizing Rights and Personhood and Woodworth Pro-Life Motion

September/October 2013 Interim Plus

September/October Volume 13 No. 1
Father Ted Colleton Scholarship, Symbolism, Oral Testimony, and Activism

June 2013 Interim Plus

May/June Volume 12 No. 6
Father Ted Colleton Scholarship, Satire in Literature, and Social Media

March/April 2013 Interim Plus

March/April Volume 12 No. 5
National March for Life

January/February 2013 Interim Plus

January/February Volume 12 No. 4
Social Justice

December 2012 Interim Plus

December Volume 12 No. 3
The Christmas Controversy


October 2012 Interim Plus

October Volume 12 No. 2
The American System of Government Part 2

September 2012 Interim Plus

September Volume 12 No. 1
The American System of Government


May 2012 Interim Plus

May Volume 11 No. 6
Fr. Ted Colleton Scholarship and March for Life

March 2012 Interim Plus

March Volume 11 No. 5
Upcoming March for Life

February 2012 Interim Plus

February Volume 11 No. 4
Happy 7 Billion

December 2011 Interim Plus

December Volume 11 No. 3
Christmas Interim Plus

November 2011 Interim Plus

November Volume 11 No. 2
Canada’s Demographic Challenge


September 2011 Interim Plus

September Volume 11 No. 1
Father Ted Colleton Scholarship Reminder

May 2011 Interim Plus

May Volume 10 No. 5
Special Election Edition


January/February 2011 Interim Plus

January/February Volume 10 No. 3
Parsing ‘pro-choice’ prose

November 2010 Interim Plus

November 2010 Volume 10 No. 2
Arrests on University Campuses


September 2010 Interim Plus

September 2010 Volume 10 No. 1
The Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy

May-June 2010 Interim Plus

May- June 2010 Edition Volume 9 No. 6
The Teacher


March-April 2010 Interim Plus

March-April 2010 Edition Volume 9 No. 5
Media, Maternal Health & Politics, Religious Apathy in Youth

February 2010 Interim Plus

February 2010 Edition Volume 9 No. 4
Anti-human life environmentalism

December 2009 Interim Plus

Christmas 2009 Edition Volume 9 No. 3
Reflections on the meaning of Christmas

Oct 2009 Interim Plus

October 2009 Edition Volume 9 No. 2

Sept 2009 Interim Plus

September 2009 Edition Volume 9 No. 1

March/April 2009 Interim Plus

March/April 2009 Edition Volume 8 No. 5
Current Events/Easter

Jan 2009 Interim Plus

January/February 2009 Edition Volume 8 No. 4
Human Rights part 2

Click here

Some of the many topics covered since September 2001 include:

  1. Political Reform in Canada
  2. Single Gender Schools
  3. The International Court of Justice
  4. The Implications and Promise of the Kyoto Accords
  5. Human cloning
  6. Embryonic stem cell research
  7. United Nations: reform or abolish?
  8. Religion and the public square.
  9. Political cartooning
  10. Genetic Engineering of Food
  11. Science Fiction Literature
  12. Celebration of Christmas
  13. Valentine’s day and Thanksgiving Day traditions
  14. Youth Activism and pro-life resources
  15. Single gender schools
  16. Media Bias
  17. Are Political Parties Relevant Today?
  18. Palliative Care in a Caring Society
  19. Reproductive Technologies and the End of Parenthood
  20. Judicial Activism
  21. Nature of motherhood and fatherhood
  22. The internet itself as a source of good or a source of danger.
  23. Kyoto Accord, two years later.
  24. Stats Can on the changing family picture.
  25. Proportional representation
  26. The Canadian Charter of Rights: Panacea or Ruination?
  27. How Tax Policies harm the Canadian Family
  28. Canada‘s Census and Birth Dearth
  29. Proportional Representation
  30. The American Electoral System
  31. Christmas and Secularism
  32. Tsunami Disaster
  33. Same-sex Unions
  34. Euthanasia
  35. Women in Combat
  36. Canada’s Demographic Problem
  37. The Campus Scene and Pro-life Clubs
  38. Teaching Thinking
  39. Environmental Sustainability
  40. The Meaning of Christmas
  41. Update on Stem Cell Research & Related Issues
  42. The Making of Federal Budgets
  43. Charter of Rights at 25
  44. Partial Birth Abortion
  45. Youth Views on Abortion
  46. Judicial System and Need for Reform
  47. Church vs. State: Secular Catholics
  48. Political Reform: Proportional Representation
  49. Climate Change and Anti-Population
  50. Retrospective on Morgentaler Decision of 1988
  51. Human Rights Commissions
  52. Climate Change Debate