Planned Parenthood released the latest edition of its annual report Jan. 18, which reveals the abortion giant’s legitimate medical services continue to decline as it commits more abortions, reaps more profits, and even brings in more state and federal dollars.

The Planned Parenthood 2017-2018 Annual Report covers services rendered from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017; and revenue and expenses as of June 30, 2018. It reports total net assets of almost $2.2 billion, and net income of $244.8 million, which is more than twice the $98.5 million it reported the previous year.

The abortion giant admits to committing at least 332,757 abortions, an increase of 11,373 over its 2016 fiscal year count. (The true number would be much larger due to the abortifacient capacity of an indeterminate percentage of contraception services, of which Planned Parenthood doled out more than 2.6 million) Curiously enough, contraception – which many falsely push as an alternative to abortion – declined by more than 80,000 services.

Abortion continues to account for 96 per cent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy-related services.

The number of patients remained roughly constant at 2.4 million, but as abortions rose non-abortion services continued to decline. Total “Cancer Screenings & Prevention” dropped from 660,777 614,361, and total “Other Women’s Health Services” – which encompasses well-woman exams, pregnancy tests, prenatal services, and miscarriage care – declined from 1,315,941 to 1,302,460.

In addition, Planned Parenthood provided a paltry 2,831 adoption referrals, down from the previous year’s 3,889.

The number of unique patients seen by Planned Parenthood also went down by 600,000 – a 20 per cent decrease, according to the Susan B. Anthony List.

Perhaps the report’s most alarming revelation, however, is that taxpayer funding to the abortion giant actually increased by $20 million – from $543.7 million to $563.8 million – despite the Trump administration taking steps to partially defund the abortion giant such as banning foreign aid to it and other abortion organizations. (New rules excluding Planned Parenthood from Title X family planning grants have not yet taken effect.) Republicans’ failure to defund Planned Parenthood during the president’s first two years remains a source of frustration among pro-lifers.

“The big business of abortion is evident in this report, as Planned Parenthood turned a profit of nearly $250 million, a 150% increase, according to its own accounts,” Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins said in response to the report. “While Planned Parenthood pushes talking points about healthcare, the fact remains that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s number one abortion vendor, profiting by violently ending life.”

“But pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion,” she added. “Women deserve real, life-affirming care, and taxpayers deserve a return on their investment that helps women and their children, born and preborn.”

These latest numbers are consistent with the trends of Planned Parenthood’s past several annual reports, and while they seemingly undermine the abortion giant’s self-image as an essential “women’s healthcare” provider, they fit with new Planned Parenthood CEO Leana Wen’s recent admission that abortion is the organization’s “core mission.”

In November, Planned Parenthood came under fire for the contrast between its declining health services and handsome compensation for top executives; between 2015 and 2017, the average compensation for a Planned Parenthood affiliate CEO rose from $237,999 to $255,523, while the average compensation to top executives during that same period rose from $389,514 to $394,893.

Planned Parenthood has also been criticized for receiving taxpayer money while spending heavily to influence elections. The group’s political arms, Planned Parenthood Votes and Planned Parenthood Action Fund, spent $20 million last year on political activity in just eight states.

“When I worked at Planned Parenthood managing a clinic in Texas, abortion was always encouraged because it made the most money. Nothing has changed,” said pro-life convert Abby Johnson, founder of And Then There Were None. “One of the more glaring aspects of the report is not only just how flush with the cash they are (over $1.4 billion in revenue), but how politically active a supposed healthcare organization should reasonably be. The report brags about their activism while at the same time telling the media over the past year that healthcare is not political.”

 This article originally appeared Jan. 21 at LifeSiteNews and is reprinted with permission.