Vancouver – Three pro-lifers were named October 10 in a new injunction obtained by an abortion center here.
According to another unnamed demonstrator, two men and one woman were inside the Hycroft Medical Building which houses the Elizabeth Bagshaw Abortion Centre. They were not blocking doors or access to the business, but only talking to women going inside.
On Monday, abortuary staff said they did not care if the sidewalk counsellors were inside or not because they did not have any abortions scheduled for the day. But police were called anyway.
Police talked with the pro-lifers and told them they could stay, but not to go inside the alcove which serves as a protected entry to the abortion center.
One doctor from another office in the building became very angry with the group and threatened to call police, but was put off when told that the police had already visited.
The group continued going inside to counsel women in the days that followed.
On Thursday, the restrictive injunction was issued based on gross inaccuracies about the conduct of the demonstrators, and forbidding them to be anywhere around the building.
The injunction claimed that all the women coming for abortions already had had laminaria inserted. The abortionists claimed that the longer the laminaria is left in, the greater the risk of infection. Any delay caused by sidewalk counsellors is harmful to their patients they said.
The woman named in the injunction immediately went to court. She felt that the abortuary should not be allowed to get away with the lies in the injunction.
After hearing her side of the story, the judge reduced the wording of the injunction to only forbid them from blocking the doors to the business.