Ontario Premier David Peterson was met by a contingent of Campaign Life picketers when he left the recent Liberal Cabinet Meeting at the Cornwall Civic Complex.

When asked about the lack of bail conditional for Morgentaler and the continued operation of the illegal abortuaries, Mr. Peterson replied that he had “already answered those questions earlier.” When he told that we were not satisfied with his earlier response he indicated that we probably “never will be satisfied.” Is this an admission that he does not intend to ever see the abortuaries closed?

When I asked about the Powell Report, Mr. Peterson mumbled something about it being a “balanced report.” I asked him three more times to clarify whether or not he had just said that Powell Report was balanced. Finally he said “we always see balance” and hurried into his car.

High spirits

Spirits on the picket line were high in spite of the cold weather, and, of course, the look of dismay on Petersons’ face when he realizes that he has to face another group of Pro-lifers.

Special thanks should go to Mary Ellen Douglas and her car-load of picketers – including Father Appleman of Wolfe Island – who came up for the day. Their support was a tremendous booster.

Earlier in the day, Marilyn Bergeron, president of Eastern Ontario Pro-Life Association, and Gilles Metevier, Director of education for the Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Roman Catholic School Board, met with Ontario Health Minister Murray Elston to express concerns about Powell report.

Bergeron presented recommendation encouraging the Ministry of Health to consider other aspects of the problem of unplanned pregnancies.

Her response to the repot includes requests to reject the report’s recommendations, to study the medical literature which contradicts the basic premise of the report which Bergeron said suggests abortion is a “good thing,” and to study the adoption situation in Ontario.

Bergeron also asked for a survey of the many groups of Ontario which offer support to a woman who chooses to continue an unplanned pregnancy to term, and look into programmes which promote chastity as an alternative lifestyle of Ontario’s young people.

Elston appeared to listen attentively to their submission. He commented that he was in a difficult position because he was receiving a great deal of pressure form both sides, but that he would have to make some recommendations son. He left Marilyn with the impression that he could expect something positive. I guess we are wrong again!