In a period of one month, six provinces rejected Henry Morgentaler’s request to set up medicare-funded, provincially-recognized, abortuaries. “We have no intention of allowing Dr. Morgentaler to enter Saskatchewan,” Health Minister Graham Taylor declared on April 25. “In fact we will be doing everything within the power of this Government to prevent him from establishing a clinic in this province.”


In Fredericton, N.B, Premier Richard Hatfield won “thunderous applause from both sides of the Legislature” when he said the Government will not go along with the proposal. (He also said the laws of abortion should be changed, because of “wide diversity of views”)


Nova Scotia Premier Buchanan had ruled out abortion clinics earlier. Later on, the health ministers of Alberta, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland each in turn, rejected Morgentaler’s demand to be allowed to open a local abortuary.                    AH