In Canada we are affected by events in the pro-life arena in the U.S. as much as in any other area. Canadian and U.S. pro-life people should support each other and work together, just as our adversaries on both sides of the border do.
In Saskatchewan we have the opportunity to do that by joining the Focus on Fargo. Merchants of Fargo and Mint, North Dakota, regularly advertise in southern Canada to take advantage of the flood of cross-border shopping. They want our money. Let’s speak up and call on them to close down their killing centre. Write to the Chamber of Commerce in Fargo and tell them that we would love to go shopping there if only they would close down their abortion mill and release the Lambs of Christ from the jails in Fargo and Bismark. For further information contact Committee to Protect the Family, Director Mrs. Robert Kosloski (306) 585-0163.