Honestly, if you didn’t know better, you might begin to wonder: just whose side is the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on anyway?
First, Gus Mitges gets a pro-life motion over all the hurdles and actually before the House of Commons for a vote.
Next. Gus Mitges gets a pro-life motion over all the hurdles and actually before the House of Commons for a vote.
Next, the two general secretaries, in the name of the Bishops, send out a little letter to all concerned, to all the MPs who will vote. Their letter contained copies of the two general statements by the CCCP condemning abortions. “Here’s our official Position,” that says . But the letter ended with a disclaimer that said to the reader, in effect, “You’re on your own with this one.”
And, indeed, this letter was used with much glee by pro-abortion MPs who were under pressure from pro-life colleagues and constituents . In effect , the CCCCB letter
Ensured a pro-abortion vote.
The actual wording was that the Bishops “do not want their position to be understood as necessarily endorsing the constitutional amendment…as the most suitable means to implement this right away We’ll sit this dance out if you don’t mind.
The argument and mental footwork in the “clarification “ letter are superficial and are couched in that style of bureaucratic casuistry so useful when a nice thick fog is required . So what is going on here?
Perhaps they just were afraid the motion wouldn’t pass no matter what, and they didn’t want to be seen caught openly supporting another losing cause. Whatever the reason.
Matters cannot be left as they are.
Babies don’t need “clarifying “ letters. They need aggressive and sustained action: to stop the opening of more free-standing abortion clinics and to restructure the social climate to help mothers have their babies. The CCCB could be leaders in this most basic of social justice. Instead, as matters stand now, many are dancing in the dark.