In the campaign to make abortion illegal, activists agree that they have not been greeted by many legislative victories. Perhaps most disheartening was last year’s Sullivan v. LeMay case, which saw the Supreme Court of Canada declare that the child in the birth canal was not a person. Moreover, Henry Morgentaler continues to go from one provincial Supreme Court to another, collecting all sorts of injunctions and other victories. However depressing this may be, pro-life advocates are turning to a new tactic. The new approach is somewhat unconventional and controversial – but it is reaping results. The concept is simple enough: the homes of those who perform abortions are picketed on a regular schedule.

The idea of home picketing has been adopted both nationally and provincially by Campaign Life Coalition. Various Ontario chapters such as Windsor, London, Peterborough, Niagara, Kitchener, and Kingston have set up their own home pickets. It isn’t an act of desperation. In reality, it is an act of ingenuity. Abortion may be legal, but what good is its legality if there are no “physicians” to perform them? Cities such as Kitchener and Cambridge have seen their abortionists take to the roads, leaving their cities abortion-free.


In the city of Windsor, dedicated activist Earl Amyotte and company has successfully forced all but one abortionist out of the city of 180,000 people.

“In Detroit, they have approximately 27 mills,” said Amyotte, “but they have only 9 abortionists to provide the gruesome act of abortion. As for Windsor, we will have only one abortionist left in the beginning of June due to home picketing. I don’t believe abortionists should be left alone. Picket their barbecues…picket their Christmas parties…we can’t let these abortionists get away with baby killing.”


Other CLC branches have banked on the success of Amyotte and the Kitchener and Cambridge pickets. CLC Kingston set the task of exposing their local baby killers in April of 1992. However, they ran into local pro-abortion activists who turned out to defend their abortionists. One activist was so violent that CLC president Mary Ellen Douglas has laid assault charges. In spite of this, CLC Kingston has resolved to maintain their effective home picketing.


Every day, in the picturesque city of London, the abortion issue jumps to life in front of the home of late-term abortionist Fraser Fellows. This incredible witness began on January 2, 1992 and has continued to the present day. Continuous praying of the Rosary is the theme of the hour-long walk in front of Fellow’s expensive North London home.

“We are here to pray for the conversion of Fellows and to pray for the entire pro-life movement,” said London schoolteacher John Bulsza. “We aren’t there to harass but to pray!”

“We’ve seen what’s been happening across Southwestern Ontario,” said Jack Baribeau, president of CLC of London. “The home picketing has seen the issue of abortion being forced out into the open. This quiet city of approximately 300,000 has nonchalantly accepted the existence of baby killing. We believe that home picketing has recharged the issue. We believe people will take a second look.” And they did. Earlier in the year, the London Free Press covered the events with renewed interest. In March, the home picketers made the front page by means of a feature article. Letters to the editor have been in constant supply.

“It is absolutely necessary that we pitch tent in this city,” said George Dienesch, a student at the University of Western Ontario. “Kitchener and Cambridge to the north of us have won dramatic victories in this struggle. Windsor to the south of us has gained ground. I believe the front lines of this battle are here in this city. You see, home picketing may force abortionists out of business but it also serves as a deterrent for future medical students. This city is a medical amphitheatre.

“There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of medical students at the university who will practice all over North America. It is urgent that we take a strong stand against abortion and its profiteers within the city. If London falls, the back of baby killing will be broken in Ontario. There are seven killers in this city that we know of. They must be exposed on a regular basis.”

“It may take two years, or three – we don’t know how long,” said John Bulsza. “But it’s definitely necessary. The city needs this witness; Fraser Fellows needs this witness.” Fellows may be a difficult abortionist to change however. As an obstetrician/gynecologist, Fellows provides legitimate health services at St. Joseph’s RC hospital. He also provides abortions at University Hospital upon request. He claims he does not receive any money for his killing.