Over-the-counter abortion

Montreal-Canada’s obstetricians and gynaecologists appear to be lobbying the federal government to make the morning-after abortion pill available to patients without a prescription. At the society’s annual meeting in Montreal, the medical specialist’s group called for the drug to be sold over the counter in a bid to promote easier access. The move appears to be a priority for the society’s new leader, Dr. Thirza Smith, who said the society is anxious to improve access to care for Canadian women. Meanwhile, the Canadian Physicians for Life organization called the move a dangerous precedent. Dr. Will Johnson told reporters suggested the push for over the counter sales is driven by profit and ideology.

Another cry for euthanasia

Toronto-Another terminally ill patient is determined to test Canadian laws against mercy killing and assisted suicide. Terry Graham of Toronto suffers from a degenerative muscle disorder. He has rejected palliative care measures and is seeking help from his family and any willing physicians to take his own life. Graham recently attempted suicide by overdosing on pain killers, but was resuscitated by staff at Peel Memorial Hospital. Nonetheless, Graham’s son, Terry Jr. insists his father wants to die and will continue searching for a doctor who will agree to assist in his suicide. The younger Graham has established a website to lobby the government to change current prohibitions against doctor assisted death.

Pro-life petition tabled

Fredericton, N.B.-A member of the New Brunswick legislative assembly has presented a petition to fellow MPP’s calling for recognition of the unborn child in the womb. Moncton MLA John Betts presented the petition in June with the hope that provincial and federal laws can be changed. The petition asks the Legislature to recognize children and mothers from the time of a child’s conception, and to consider policies welcoming children and mothers. “Let us publicly recognize children and the importance they have in our families and in our province,” the petition reads. The petition will be reviewed by the province’s Family and Community Services minister.