Here is a list of 10 pro-abortion, anti-family candidates I hope lose on May 2. There were many to choose from and it would have been a different list if certain incumbents were running again, but alas Liberals like Keith Martin and Raymonde Folco,  NDP Bill Siksay, and Bloc Quebecois Francine Lalonde did not run for re-election. Furthermore, I would have had a different Tory on the list if Conservative cabinet minister Jim Prentice hadn’t quit politics last year. It was also difficult to keep Charlie Angus, Olivia Chow and Judy Sgro off the list. Notably eight of those that make the list are from Toronto or British Columbia. I would also add the entire Bloc caucus because it is uniformly pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, and pro-gay rights. So technically this list is 1 through 85 (75 BQ candidates in the province of Quebec); with the retirement of Lalonde, a leading advocate of legalizing euthanasia, no one in the BQ stands out as someone particularly awful.

So beyond everyone running for the BQ, here are the top ten candidates we hope lose on May 2.

10. Peter Kent (Conservative, Thornhill): A prominent supporter of abortion and gay-rights within the Conservative Party. It would be nice if social liberals were not a significant element within the Tories.

9. Michael Ignatieff (Liberal, Etobicoke-Lakeshore): He has pushed a pro-abortion agenda as Liberal leader, most notably promoting abortion funding abroad. Also, last Fall that explained that he wanted to push the party further left on “gender expression” and “sexual expression” (read: transgender and transsexual rights), a concept of rights he saw as fitting within the Liberal tradition. Wishing Iggy defeat is almost superfluous considering that we expect him to leave elected politics shortly after the Liberals lose next week, but for a leader who has not clearly staked out a great many positions, he has been crystal clear on what he wants to do on moral issues — and it isn’t good.

8. Frank Valeriote (Liberal, Guelph): Insinuates he is pro-life and votes for including abortion in maternal health.

7. Ken Dryden (Liberal, York Centre): Was one of the few Liberals to vote in favour of euthanasia last year, although he later claimed he voted that way by accident. He is 0-9 on pro-life and pro-family votes measured by Campaign Life Coalition during his tenure in office. As Paul Martin’s Minister of Social Development in 2005 he pushed a national daycare scheme.

6. Carolyn Bennett (Liberal, St. Paul’s): A long-time supporter of abortion and other feminist causes.

5. Hedy Fry (Liberal, Vancouver Centre): A proud supporter of gay rights and advocate of abortion. Last year, she said she would debate anyone on the issue of abortion but when pro-life activist Stephanie Gray accepted, Fry said she meant only parliamentarians.

4. Elizabeth May (Green, Saanich-Gulf Islands): Leader of the Green Party, she is a vocal and often shrill voice for abortion both in Canada and abroad. Her position might be described as confusing, but in explaining it all, she claimed that being pro-abortion is pro-life. Huh? Her environmentalism pits a false choice between the Earth and human flourishing.

3. Libby Davies (NDP-Vancouver East): Openly lesbian MP, she has one of the worst records as measured by Campaign Life Coalition: 0-18. She has been a leading proponent for the decriminalization of prostitution.

2. Maria Minna (Liberal, Beaches-East York): In the debate over maternal health last year, she said that as a former Minister of International Cooperation, she charged the current minister Bev Oda with not fulfilling her duties by promoting contraception and abortion abroad.

1. Bob Rae (Liberal, Toronto Centre): As NDP premier of Ontario in the early 1990s, he sought a court injunction on behalf of abortion facilities to prevent peaceful pro-life witnessing near abortion mills. As Liberal foreign affairs critic last year, he introduced a motion that would have required the Harper government to include abortion as part of its maternal and infant health initiative. He is considered a frontrunner for the Liberal leadership if the party doesn’t do well on May 2.