The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada has a 50-page booklet, Euthanasia: In the Shadow of Death, available for download.

The Saskatoon StarPhoenix reports that Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott has applauded local doctors for restricting abortion services by only doing them up to 12 weeks.

Dave Andrusko of the National Right to Life Committee looks at Jesse Jackson and his transformation from pro-life minister to pro-abortion pol.

Operation Rescue has a clip of the disturbing news report on Caitlin Bruce, who is suing Michigan abortionist Abraham Alberto Hodari after he allegedly committed an abortion on her after the teen changed her mind.

Ione Whitlock has a post at LifeTree entitled: “The Current Health Care ‘Reform’ Legislation: How it Will Make Rationing and Death Hastening the Law of the Land.”

The Freedom of Choice Act turned 20 yesterday. Denise Burke, legal counsel for Americans United for Life, has a fact sheet delving into the history and consequences of the terrible law.

Live Action reports that Leah Winandy, a Duluth, Minnesota pro-life demonstrator, had a knife pulled on her after the pro-lifer told a woman entering an abortion facility, “Please don’t take the life of your unborn baby we care about what happens to them.”