The Centers for Disease Control released the 2006 abortion numbers for the United States: 846,181 for the 46 states that reported abortion numbers, which represents a slight increase. It does not include California. has the story.
New York magazine has a long article by Jennifer Senior on “The Abortion Distortion: Just how pro-choice is America, really?” Senior concludes not very “pro-choice.”
The Catholic Register reports that pro-family and Catholic groups have applauded the federal government’s proposed anti-child porn law.
The Los Angeles Times reports on a South Korean doctor who turned his back on doing abortions.
A Rasmussen Reports poll finds that 72% of Americans prefer “Merry Christmas” compared to 22% who favour Happy Holidays.
Politico reports that former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, who is pro-life, is unlikely to run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, explains why he signed the Manhattan Declaration. Kathryn Jean Lopez interviews Robert P. George about the Declaration, w hich he co-authored.
Michael Novak’s keynote address to Forum 2000 on how the “connections between religion and democracy are subtle, noncoercive, and very important.”