There is no reason to write an original post on the dangers of four more years of Barack  Hussein Obama when it has been well covered in this paper the last few months, most notably the October cover story “Abortion becomes major issues in 2012 election,” that same month’s editorial “The Party of Death,” and the omnibus review of various books on the president, “Obama’s Dangerous Radicalism.” The National Right to Life Committee has Obama’s pro-abortion record neatly summarized on one page. Pro-lifers must spend the next two years supporting pro-life Congressmen to resist any promotion of the abortion agenda that the White House and congressional Democrats might push. Republicans must know that life issues are not losing issues if handled properly (see TI‘s analysis of the election results). My advice is let the President have his day today and renew the effort to oppose his agenda tomorrow with an aggressive state-by-state assault on Obamacare and preparation to defend the pro-life position at the federal level when the Democrats get pushy (for example to fund abortions on military bases). The third pillar of pro-life activism over the next few years is the promotion of pro-life initiatives at the state level with Americans United for Life has shown to be a tremendous success. And eventually we’ll have to find pro-life Congressional candidates and for 2016 a standard-bearer in the presidential nomination. But those are far-off goals.

One inauguration-related item: Planned Parenthood and Rock the Vote! teamed up for a pre-inauguration party last night that provided celebrants with cocktails and condoms. Not a lot of hope and change in that evening, is there?