Operation Rescue gave slain pro-life activist James Pouillon its 2009 Person of the Year Malachi Award posthumously. Pouillon was murdered in September by a person who didn’t like his pro-life signs. Many pro-lifers sacrifice to witness to the injustice of abortion but few pay the ultimate price with their life. Pro-abortion violence, however, is not as rare as the media silence would indicate. Unlike when late-term abortion specialist George Tiller was murdered, there was very little media coverage when James Pouillon was gunned down. The Culture of Death is all pervasive and we hope and pray that in 2010 we make strides in turning around our decadent culture which turns to violence in a vain attempt to solve problems and differences. James Pouillon is a worthy honouree, more for being the personification of that hope and his example of eschewing violence than being a victim of the culture he was trying to change.