LifeSiteNews has a Spring fundraising campaign and today is the last day. Please support LSN and its daily pro-life, pro-family journalism with a financial donation. The Interim reprints LSN stories and uses their reports as the basis for our news briefs. Pro-life activists around the world rely on the information they get from LifeSiteNews. In Canada, especially, where we lack the media infrastructure that the United States has with its dozens of magazines and conservative websites, LSN is very valuable to rank-and-file pro-lifers as well as pro-life leaders and organizations.

No donation is too small and large donations are appreciated. If you value LSN at a quarter a weekday –what newspaper cost 40 years ago — you should give $60. That’s less than a coffee a week you’d have to give up. Just an idea. Of course, if you think LSN is as — or more — valuable than your daily paper, consider donating a few hundred dollars. The journalists at LSN work on a shoe-string budget, so none of the money is wasted. Support pro-life journalism by supporting LifeSiteNews.