Donald Trump

U.S. election offers stark choice on abortion

The U.S. election is about many issues including the fitness of the two major candidates to lead and the president’s handling of the pandemic and the economy. A major difference between the parties and presidential candidates is their approach to abortion, which would have been important to many voters but will have a higher profile and could become the issue of the [...]

2020-12-06T16:19:35-05:00October 1, 2020|Abortion, Announcements, Cover stories, Election, Politics|

Revolt against the managers book review

The New Class War: Saving Democracy from the Managerial Elite by Michael Lind (Portfolio, $34, 203 pages) In 1941, James Burnham wrote an international bestseller, The Managerial Revolution: What is Happening in the World. Even then, Burnham found that the age of capitalism and bureaucracy was being replaced by a group of managers. Michael Lind, a conservative (early 1990s) turned liberal (mid-1990s) [...]

2020-12-06T16:39:20-05:00September 27, 2020|Book Review, Paul Tuns, Soconvivium|
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