
CLC’s Karen Murawsky, RIP

By Interim Staff She is the long-time Campaign Life Coalition public affairs representative in Ottawa, passed away July 12, at the age of 77 following a six-year battle with vascular dementia. Then Campaign Life Coalition president Jim Hughes recruited her as the organization’s lobbyist in Ottawa after she had been active with Alliance for Life Canada and Action Life in the nation’s [...]

2020-12-06T16:42:52-05:00September 17, 2020|Issues|

MaterCare founder passes

By Paul TunsDr. Robert Walley passed away on June 22, at the age of 81, following a battle with cancer.Dr. Walley, an obstetrician and gynaecologist, and his wife Susan moved to Canada in 1973 after a London teaching hospital gave him a choice: do abortions, change his specialization, or leave the country. He moved to Toronto, earned a Masters of International Public [...]

2020-11-10T10:42:55-05:00September 17, 2020|Paul Tuns|

Over one third of Ontario’s English Catholic school boards support ‘Pride Month’

Eleven of Ontario’s 29 English Catholic school boards explicitly acknowledged June as “Pride Month,” even though “Pride” events are known for celebrating homosexuality, transsexualism, and other sexually deviant behaviors. The Catholic boards acknowledged “Pride Month” in the context of assurances that Catholic schools are inclusive and welcoming to all and often used the tagline: “We are all wonderfully made,” with an illustration [...]

COVID-19 double standards

Law Matters John Carpay In April, Ontario Premier Doug Ford denounced people who were protesting against the lockdown as “absolutely irresponsible, selfish, reckless, law-breaking yahoos.” In Alberta, lone protester Cody Haller was arrested and dragged out of the Alberta legislature grounds by sheriffs on May 11 and slapped with a $1200 ticket. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is representing [...]

2020-07-13T08:36:42-04:00July 13, 2020|John Carpay, Politics, Society & Culture|

A fractured universalism

The pandemic lockdowns had not been lifted before riots broke out across America, unrest which then spread throughout the Western world. Sparked by the stomach-churning video of a black man being suffocated by a white cop, the fires of outrage which led to these riots have since cooled, and have now become smoldering piles of suspicion. In corporate, academic, political, and celebrity [...]

2020-07-06T08:38:00-04:00July 6, 2020|Announcements, Editorials, Features, Society & Culture|

Why I will rank my full ballot

Brad Trost former Conservative Member of Parliament My friends at Campaign Life Coalition believe that social conservative members of the Conservative Party should abdicate their responsibility to fully participate in the current federal leadership to chose the next Conservative Leader and in this, I believe them to be wrong. In all of Canada’s history prime ministers have really only come [...]

Sheltered in place

Amusements Rick McGinnis As I write this, it has been five weeks since life as we knew it ended. This sounds like the first line of a post-apocalyptic novel or the rough draft of a sci-fi movie script. If you’d e-mailed it back in time to me two months ago it might have triggered a panic attack, so I would [...]

2020-05-26T13:52:14-04:00May 26, 2020|Rick McGinnis, Society & Culture|

God’s choice

Chiara Fricano Editor’s Note: Chiara Fricano, of Cathedral High School in Hamilton, Ont., finished first in the 2019-2020 Fr. Ted Essay Scholarship. This is her winning essay. “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish,” as society is reminded by St. Mother Teresa. How does one measure wealth? How [...]

Coronavirus vaccine may use aborted fetal tissue

Trump administration attacked over limits on fetal tissue research Amidst a race by pharmaceutical companies to develop a coronavirus vaccine, Democrats are pressing the Trump administration to reverse its executive order limiting research utilizing cell lines derived from aborted fetal tissue. Pro-life and religious leaders are urging the Trump administration to resist the pressure to rescind the rules prohibiting fetal tissue research [...]


Laying Down the Lawton Even though I was raised with the teaching that “patience is a virtue,” it’s taken a pandemic to truly understand why that is. Let me confess from the outset I’m not a patient person. While I take on the occasional tedious task (such as the jigsaw puzzles my wife and I have enjoyed in lockdown) I [...]

Applying the law of unintended consequences

Law Matters John Carpay In 1958, Chinese Communist dictator Mao Zedong ordered his countrymen to kill all the sparrows, because these “public animals of capitalism” ate grain seeds and fruit, reducing the size of harvests. The peasants complied, using every possible method. Millions of Chinese banged on pots and pans, scaring the birds into continued flight, until they dropped from [...]


Light is Right Joe Campbell My friend Dingwall has moved into an assisted living residence. When he told me, I said I didn’t think he was ready for assisted living. “I’m not,” he replied. “I chose it to escape assisted dying.” He explained that besides meals, light housekeeping, recreation, entertainment and transportation, the residence he chose provides spiritual enhancement. “If [...]

2020-05-12T13:35:52-04:00May 12, 2020|Joe Campbell, Society & Culture|

Fr. Alphonse de Valk, 1932-2020

Fr. Alphonse de Valk, RIP   Fr. Alponse de Valk died April 16. He was a Catholic priest, historian, teacher, and leader, Read the tribute to Fr. de Valk from Interim editor Paul Tuns on the occasion of his retirement as editor of Catholic Insight. The Interim will have an obituary in the May edition of the paper.   Fr. de Valk honoured at [...]

2020-04-17T19:41:06-04:00April 17, 2020|Announcements, Features, Religion|
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