Pro-life activism

Walk for Life West Coast

On Saturday, January 23, tens of thousands of San Franciscans, joined by young pro-lifers from as far away as Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma and Alaska filled the city’s Civic Center Plaza and Market Street at the 12th Annual Walk for Life West Coast. Organizers would not give a firm number of attendees, saying only “tens of thousands” but crowd size was consistent with [...]

2016-02-25T08:39:10-05:00February 25, 2016|March for Life, Pro-Life|

States enacted 47 pro-life bills in 2015

Nearly 400 pro-life bills were introduced in state legislatures nationwide in the last year, and 47 passed, according to the pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR). Over the last year, “extremist state lawmakers continued their assault on reproductive freedom, introducing almost 400 bills and enacting 47 new restrictions on access to reproductive health care,” the CRR noted in its “2015 State of [...]

2016-01-25T08:27:45-05:00January 25, 2016|Pro-Life|

Mary Wagner refuses bail

Pro-life prisoner of conscience Mary Wagner arrested on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the unborn. Mary Wagner was arrested on Dec. 12 and charged with two counts of failing to comply with a probation order and one of causing mischief under $5,000 after allegedly entering the Bloor West Village Women’s Clinic abortion facility to counsel [...]

2016-01-09T13:40:24-05:00January 9, 2016|Activism, Marriage and Family, Pro-Life|

Alberta pro-life students demand protection from mob censorship

"The University of Alberta is condoning the complete suppression of our free expression rights on campus," stated Amberlee Nicol, a second-year education student and president of Go Life. The University of Alberta “Go-Life” Club and John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms are taking on the University of Alberta for not only failing to protect the club’s freedom [...]

2015-11-19T19:54:35-05:00November 19, 2015|Activism, Pro-Life, Society & Culture, Youth Activism|

Gibbons awaits trial seven weeks after arrest

Linda Gibbons Fifty days after her Sept. 2 arrest outside the Morgentaler abortion facility on Hillsdale Avenue Linda Gibbons remains in jail. And following her silent and brief Tuesday morning appearance in College Park Court, via video from the Vanier Center for Women, the 67-year-old pro-life grandmother will remain behind bars yet another week, as her case was put off [...]

2015-12-01T19:25:42-05:00November 19, 2015|Activism, Pro-Life|

Quebec pro-life group fights for right to protest outside abortuaries

Two Montreal abortion facilities facing the expiry of an injunction keeping pro-life street counselors away have made a last ditch effort to disqualify crucial evidence to be presented in court on June 16. “They want to throw out four of our seven affidavits,” said Robert Reynolds, the lawyer for Campagne Quebec-Vie, the Quebec branch of Campaign Life Coalition. Three of the targeted [...]

2015-07-27T18:19:51-04:00July 27, 2015|Pro-Life|

When young people ‘get it’

Cosmopolitan blogger Rebecca Rose is enamored with the story of five-year-old Yasmeen, who procrastinated on her homework recently by writing a short letter to President Obama. From the post: "Please stop war for our world, instead have a meeting," Yasmeen wrote. "Please give a speech to tell everyone they can marry who they want."  Yasmeen's letter is pretty perfect and lots of people [...]

2015-05-25T12:26:10-04:00May 25, 2015|Soconvivium|

Looking back at 2014, looking forward to 2015

We at The Interim hope you had a blessed and joyful Christmas holiday and wish everyone a happy new year. In our December 2014 edition, we looked at the top 14 life and family stories from 2014. In our January 2015 edition, we offered some suggestions for resolutions for 2015. As our editorial notes: “Creating a culture of life will not be easy, but there [...]

2015-01-05T12:58:27-05:00January 5, 2015|Soconvivium|

Social conservatism is dead. Again.

It's that time again. A column proclaiming the death of social conservatism in Canada. Or its radical shift in strategy. Can something be dead and shifting strategy? How something that has died as often as the social conservative movement has can die again (or rethink its strategy) is something beyond my comprehension. Putting aside the snark, let's look at what Jen Gerson is [...]

2015-01-03T10:34:30-05:00January 3, 2015|Soconvivium|

Pro-choice violence vs. pro-lifers on campus

This is hardly news anymore, as campus pro-life activists routinely are assaulted and have their signs stolen or damaged. The College Fix reports on an altercation at the University of California, Santa Barbara: A department of feminist studies professor has been accused of going berserk after coming across a campus prolife demonstration that used extremely graphic displays, leading a small mob of students [...]

2014-03-12T11:42:05-04:00March 12, 2014|Soconvivium|

Writers and activists: common ground?

I have a pro-life friend whose passion for defending human rights is only matched by her love of writing. She recently shared an interesting New York Times column with me, in which essayist and cartoonist Tim Kreider laments the tendency for writers to go unpaid. This idea is not completely baseless. Our society teaches us to be dissatisfied, constantly craving the latest [...]

2013-11-19T19:26:35-05:00November 19, 2013|Soconvivium|

What I learned this summer

This week marks the end of my time working at The Interim and Campaign Life Coalition. I dread leaving the people and places that shaped my summer behind. Here are some important lessons I've learned over the past four months. I learned ... That the same core message can be used for different audiences and purposes. How to conduct interviews, and smash a few [...]

2013-08-30T12:12:59-04:00August 30, 2013|Soconvivium|

LifeChain is great for beginner activists

It's almost that time of year – the annual LifeChain is coming up. I have only participated in one, and I remember two things from that day. I had lived in Ottawa for only a few weeks and did not know the bus routes well, so I was terrified of getting lost. Nobody seemed to react to our presence on the sidewalk, [...]

2013-08-22T08:22:18-04:00August 22, 2013|Soconvivium|

Another student union attempts to squelch pro-life

Another attack on the rights of pro-lifers on our Canadian campuses has occurred. This time, the attempt to silence pro-life students came from the Memorial University of Newfoundland Students Union Board of Directors (MUNSU). MUN for LIFE, Memorial’s pro-life club, was denied ratification on Sept. 26 at a MUNSU board meeting. Up until then, Patrick Hanlon, club president, and members of the [...]

2018-08-03T12:15:26-04:00November 3, 2007|Pro-Life, Pro-life Groups, Youth Activism|
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