Yearly Archives: 1990

Good and faithful servant

In a most memorable tribute to one who has dedicated his life to the service of God and His children, more than 800 people paid tribute to Father Ted Colleton on the occasion of his 50th Anniversary as a priest. Following a Mass, attended by 500 people.  Business for Life organized a banquet which saw more than 800 of those whose lives [...]

2009-08-18T13:23:23-04:00December 18, 1990|Pro-Life, Religion|


Family Coalition Party candidates from across Ontario met in Toronto in November to assess the party’s showing in the recent provincial election.  Regardless of how they did at the polls, all the candidates agreed that they would run again if they had the chance.  In fact, doing it again quickly became the focus of the meeting. The second day was devoted to [...]

2009-08-18T13:23:46-04:00December 18, 1990|Politics|

Pro-Life Ontario: Deepen your faith to fight abortion

The All-Ontario Pro-life conference was held in Trenton in November and attracted almost one hundred leaders from across the province.  The conference is an annual seminar sponsored by the educational pro-life groups in the province.  This year it was hosted by Frankford Right to Life. Ottawa area theologian Dr. Richard Ganz gave the keynote address at the opening banquet.  He reminded his [...]

2009-08-18T13:24:21-04:00December 18, 1990|Pro-Life|

Morgentaler’s Maritime troubles continue

Canada’s Maritime provinces, famous for the warmth of their residents, have failed to roll out the welcome mat for Henry Morgentaler. Following the Nova Scotia court decision, in which Judge Kennedy ruled on jurisdiction plus the constitutionality of provincial law, and failed to convict Morgentaler who had openly boasted that he had performed several abortions, Nova Scotians have mobilized to keep him [...]

2009-08-18T13:24:40-04:00December 18, 1990|Abortion|

Putting intellectual fraud into law

Justice Minister Kim Campbell is fortunate intellectual fraud isn’t a crime.  If it were, she’d likely be joining former Tory colleagues who were convicted for swindles of the indictable persuasion.  That seems the only verdict reasonable people could reach after reading a circular Campbell sent out recently counseling doctors on avoiding the hoosegow under her pending abortion law. If there’s one thing [...]

2009-08-18T13:26:01-04:00December 18, 1990|Issues|

The day they made me look

For most of the past 15 years, registered nurse Lorraine Keess has worked in the general and pediatric wards of Calgary hospitals.  She is the mother of a boy, nine, and a girl, three, and the wife of a city businessman.  A year ago last month, she took a job in the pathology laboratory of a hospital which performs abortions.  Until then, [...]

2009-08-18T13:25:10-04:00December 18, 1990|Abortion, Bioethics|

Whatever the Party wants

At its October National Convention, the Communist Party of Canada issued the following endorsement: “The Communist Party should support the election of an NDP federal government and the NDP provincial governments in English Canada as the only governmental alternative for labor and the people’s movements at this time.” Pro-abortion Judy Rebick, president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, [...]

2009-08-18T13:21:23-04:00December 18, 1990|Politics|

Losing Uncle Tim

Those of us who fondly remember John and Mary, Dick and Jane – not forgetting dear old Spot – should take note of a new book written for six-year-olds by Mary Kate Jordan. The story deals with a little boy called Daniel.  Daniel is very fond of his Uncle Tim.  In fact, he remembers his uncle as “more fun than any other [...]

2009-08-18T13:21:05-04:00December 18, 1990|Issues|

Sheila Copps to address Catholic Teachers

The decision of the hierarchy of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association to invite pro-abortion MP Sheila Copps to be the keynote speaker at the “Poverty Hurts” conference, scheduled for January 25, 26 1991, at the Regal Constellation Hotel, has sparked a controversy within the rank and file. The inclusion of former MPP Richard Johnston as the facilitator of the wrap-up session [...]

2009-08-18T13:20:49-04:00December 18, 1990|Issues|

Self-help group

Father Vincent Heffernan, a priest with the Scarboro Foreign Mission Society is attempting to establish self-help groups for women suffering pain following abortion. In an interview with Vitality, Father Heffernan, who has spent eleven years as a missionary in Guyana and Mexico, spoke of the achievements of groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, whose members help themselves and one another by sharing their [...]

2009-08-18T13:20:34-04:00December 18, 1990|Issues|

Still on the Hill

Father Tony VanHee, S.J. resumed his Fast for Life last September.  He continues to quietly stand outside the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, reminding the MPs who pass him, on their way to the House of Commons, of their failure to legislate in favor of the preborn. His fast, so far, has been uneventful compared to the furor which erupted when he was [...]

2009-08-18T13:20:21-04:00December 18, 1990|Politics|

Pro Choice (to kill) cheques

The National Organization for Women (NOW) in the United States is promoting a cheque emblazoned with the words “Pro Choice: Protect our right to choose.” The cheque, which has received the blessing of NOW president Molly Yard, is seen as much more than an advertisement.  NOW will receive a dollar for every order placed for the cheque which is received by all [...]

2009-08-18T13:20:11-04:00December 18, 1990|Issues|

Latex Roulette

CBC Radio, in a recent broadcast of “As it Happens” conducted an interview with an Aids Coordinator for Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, in which a young lady described a project undertaken by students. Hundreds of packages, containing five condoms and a ballot, were distributed to students who were instructed to “get familiar with them, play with them and have fun with them.” [...]

2009-08-18T13:19:24-04:00December 18, 1990|Issues|

Sex Education – Florida Style

“Just say no – at least until you’re married” is the message in the Sex Education programme introduced in Florida schools this year. “Reducing teen pregnancy is what it’s all about,” said State Rep. Lois Frankel, West Palm Beach, Florida.  “Abstinence, of course, is not the only option, but we want to show it’s the best option.” Manatee County pioneered the programme [...]

2009-08-18T13:18:40-04:00December 18, 1990|Marriage and Family|

1991 Conference – Life is irreplaceable

Winnipeg, Manitoba will be the site of the 1991 National Conference sponsored jointly by Campaign Life Coalition and Alliance for Life. The conference, scheduled for July 4, 5, and 6, will be hosted by the Winnipeg League for Life and will address issues such as political action (in all its dimensions), chastity and post-sexual syndrome, threats to the disabled, abortion recovery, euthanasia, [...]

2009-08-18T13:26:11-04:00December 18, 1990|Issues|
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