Monthly Archives: January 1990

New Age dissected

Though it appears the New Age Movement appeals to many people, experts cannot agree as to how pervasive it really is.  Some, however, claim that it is present in every form of mass communication – even in children’s cartoons with their emphasis on magic and “spirit guides.” The following is the first of two articles explaining the movement and its fundamental incompatibility [...]

2009-07-29T13:18:42-04:00January 29, 1990|Society & Culture|

Not in the image of God – Perils of pornography

“You’ve come a long way baby!” Or at least that is what a cigarette advertising campaign of a few years ago would have us believe.  Today’s women need not stoop to secretive smoking, was the message.  The feminist movement has put women on an equal par with men.  Cigarette smoking is a personal behavior to be enjoyed by both sexes. Personal behavior [...]

2009-07-29T13:17:59-04:00January 29, 1990|Society & Culture|

You were asking?

In her column this month, Miss Prestwich has collected a number of questions on surrogate motherhood she has received over the last few months. What exactly is a surrogate mother? A surrogate is someone who is a deputy or a substitute.  A surrogate mother is a woman who carries someone else’s developing child in her womb.  When this is done for money [...]

2009-07-29T13:17:04-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Bill C-43 – Sign of the times

The following was extracted from a Burnaby, B.C. parish bulletin, written by Canon E. Gale of the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada.  It concerns Bill C-43, the government’s abortion legislation. Someone who has actually studied the bill and subsequent pronouncements by government officials has told me: “The effect of this bill is to legalise the killing of unborn children, to make abortion [...]

2009-07-29T13:16:39-04:00January 29, 1990|Abortion|

Misguided amendments will not save lives

The 15-member House of Commons Committee which will study Bill C-43 for up to two months beginning on January 30 is dominated by pro-abortionists. The Conservative members were hand-picked from among those who support the C-43 idea.  Of the four Liberals, three are pro-abortion and of the NDP two out of two.  Although it is unlikely that anything resembling pro-life views will [...]

2009-07-29T13:15:56-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Ottawa fast resumes

Father Tony Van Hee and Joseph Bissonnette resumed their Fast for Life when Parliament reconvened on January 22.  Van Hee and Bissonnette position themselves in front of the members’ entrance to the House of Commons each day from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Pro-lifers plan to join them and to meet their MPs as a Parliamentary Committee considers the government’s proposed abortion [...]

2009-07-29T13:15:28-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Young people intervene

Teenage pro-lifers mounted a rescue at Nikki Colodny’s Toronto abortuary on January 5th, at the same time as 7 other young offenders were on trial for their part in the injunction-breaking rescue at the Morgentaler `clinic’ in August 1989.  Fifteen members of Teenagers Rescuing Unborn Tiny Humans (TRUTH) were arrested after effectively shutting down the Colony `clinic’ and preventing abortions.  In the [...]

2009-07-29T13:15:04-04:00January 29, 1990|Youth Activism|

Chrétien picketed

Jean Chretien has been put on notice that he is not going to be able to hide his pro-abortion record during his run for the Liberal party leadership.  Even before announcing his candidacy Jean Chretien has encountered pro-life picketers protesting his views on abortion.  At Chretien’s first Toronto appearance of the year on January 12, some 40 pro-life people picketed as Chretien [...]

2009-07-29T13:14:38-04:00January 29, 1990|Politics|

The Editorial The banality of conformity

Judge Rosalie Abella in Viewpoint, a supplement to the Canadian Jewish News, January 4, 1990 entitled “Jews in Canada: Looking to the future,” lamented the trend of Jews “who seek more and more to be the same as everybody else.”  Except for the Jewsish Orthodox, writes Judge Abella, “many Jews in Canada…conclude that the best way to integrate (into Canadian Society) is [...]

2009-07-29T13:35:05-04:00January 29, 1990|Editorials, Politics|

Comments on the Liberal race

Current leadership races in all parties seem to be flagging.  There is a dearth of capable candidates, whether for the Ontario Conservatives, the federal NDP or the federal Liberals.  The only thing they seem to have in common is being pro-abortion though it is good to see three pro-life candidates in the Liberal leadership race with Tom Wappel, MP for Scarborough Centre, [...]

2009-07-29T13:13:41-04:00January 29, 1990|Politics|

Campaign Life Coalition plans strategy

From December 7 to 10, 1989, Campaign Life Coalition held its annual strategy conference at Ste. Anne de Beaupre, just east of Quebec City. Just over 90 people were in attendance from all but two Canadian provinces, from Prince Edward Island to British Columbia. Quebec’s two dozen delegates were a first for this new affiliate, which bodes well for the pro-life battle [...]

2009-07-29T12:47:12-04:00January 29, 1990|Pro-Life|

Bill to ban human guinea pigs

Early in 1989 the Duke of Norfolk, premier Duke and Earl Marshall of England, introduced a bill in Parliament which would outlaw the use of human embryos as guinea pigs for experimentation and vivisection. The Bill had its Second Reading in the House of Lords in March 1989. The Glover Report During the debate Lord Henley, saying that he spoke for the [...]

2009-07-29T12:44:59-04:00January 29, 1990|Bioethics|

Army forces abortions

The army is the latest branch of government found to be promoting the killing of the unborn. After politicians, the civil service (Ministry of Health), the judiciary, prosecutors and the police, the army, too, is involved in aiding and abetting abortions. A Canadian Forces base near Chicoutimi, Quebec, “helped” 39 out of 40 pregnant soldiers to get abortions over a four-year period, [...]

2009-07-29T13:08:08-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Jacob-alive and well in B.C.

August 7, 1989. A Quebecois baby whose future has been the country’s front-page story for two weeks is about to perish in a nameless abortuary because his mother does not want him. Chantal Daigle has her baby killed at 23 weeks. But on the same day, across the country in Nelson, B.C., surrounded by his family and dreaming of the future, Jacob [...]

2009-07-29T13:05:30-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Canadian Catholic Choices: celibacy and priesthood

Once more a Canadian Episcopal gathering has prepared the ground for acrimony and dissent within the Catholic Church. It seems that whenever it prepares for an International Synod in Rome, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) becomes a forum for criticisms of The Holy See and the source of unwanted promises and demands which the Church at large cannot and will [...]

2009-07-29T13:05:12-04:00January 29, 1990|Religion|
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