Monthly Archives: January 1990

The In Basket

AT HOME Wrapping and trashing pornography For the week of October 29 to November 5, White Ribbons Against Pornography (WRAP) hung in the store windows and from the trees in the farming community of Wyoming, Ontario. The ribbons were the most visible aspect of a campaign for public decency organized by a mother of four, Femmy Anjema, and others. Canadians who would [...]

2009-07-29T13:04:18-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Prisoners of conscience

As of December 15 three pro-lifers are in jail in Canada. On January 13, 1990 James Hanlon will complete his six-month sentence in the Chilliwack, B.C. detention centre for protesting the killing of unborn babies at Vancouver Everywoman’s Health Clinic. In B.C., and nowhere else, pro-life prisoners of conscience are refused time off for good behavior. In Ontario two prisoners of conscience [...]

2009-07-29T12:48:43-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Human Life International Nov. 10-12

In her after-dinner speech to over three hundred people who attended the Human Life International Strategy Week-end (November 10-12), pro-life author Betty Steele quoted from a statement Pope John Paul II made to HLI International President, Fr. Paul Marx (OSB): “You are doing the most important work on earth.” This compliment, which Fr. Marx deserves for his tireless work fighting for the [...]

2009-07-29T12:47:46-04:00January 29, 1990|Pro-Life|

Starting life in a dish

Since any begetting or production of a human being is wrong outside of marriage, we shall discuss here in vitro fertilization (IVF) only of the egg of a woman by the sperm of her husband. When the egg is fertilized in a dish by a doctor adding the husband’s sperm to it, it is said to take place in vitro, which is [...]

2009-07-29T12:44:02-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Euthanasia: withdrawing the staff of life

As we saw in our last article, food and water are being routinely withheld from seriously ill patients – not all of them terminally ill – in Canadian hospitals. Is this right? Can withdrawing nutrition (or failing to initiate it) ever be justified? There are two major schools of thought on this matter, and two minor ones. To take the major ones [...]

2009-07-29T12:43:33-04:00January 29, 1990|Bioethics|

Courage for homosexuals

It is utterly impossible for this group of homosexuals to get AIDS. The program they follow doesn’t require billions of dollars from poor taxpayers. These homosexuals don’t have to shy away from giving blood. These homosexuals don’t die from AIDS. You’d think all the politicians, government flunkies, movie stars, social workers and media personnel would be running to see how they do [...]

2009-07-29T12:42:43-04:00January 29, 1990|Society & Culture|

Court Challenges Program – feminists only need apply

In 1985 the federal government set up a Court Challenges Program which was intended to help “disadvantaged” groups and individuals to bring court challenges under the Charter of Rights. A fund of nine million dollars was provided for this purpose. Left wing perspective Since the Department of Justice wanted to be at arms’ length from the groups or individuals challenging federal laws, [...]

2009-07-29T12:41:58-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Book review

Author: Catherine Bolger Therapeutic Abortion, The Effect On The Mother, The Family, Society. Fidelity House (Toronto), 1989, 78pp. In this small text, Catherine Bolger assembles a vast amount of information from sources as varied as Hippocrates and the World Medical Association to document the pervasive effect on society of “therapeutic” abortion. The application of “therapeutic” to this procedure is part of the [...]

2009-07-29T12:37:07-04:00January 29, 1990|Abortion, Book Review|

Letter to Doris Anderson

Doris Anderson, former editor of Chatelaine (1959-1975), a former president of NAC and former PC candidate, is a long-time feminist activist. At present, she is a columnist for the pro-abortion daily Toronto Star. – Editor You say you would like to hear from “any woman who feels her lot hasn’t been improved by the women’s movement and who wishes it had never [...]

2009-07-29T08:22:43-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues, Politics|

Not a woman’s issue

No doubt you have heard that abortion is a woman’s issue. I want you to hear it from me – this is not a woman’s issue. This is a human rights issue, a moral issue, a historic issue, a political issue – not a woman’s issue. Men Why, in a time when we are expecting so much of men, do we want [...]

2009-07-29T08:22:04-04:00January 29, 1990|Issues|

Northern Ireland: abortion free

It is generally assumed in Canada that because Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, and is represented by Members of Parliament in London, it is covered by the British Abortion Act of 1967. Not so. The Abortion Act quite specifically excluded Northern Ireland, and abortion is illegal there. This political-legal situation reflects the thinking and the moral principles of the [...]

2009-07-29T08:20:36-04:00January 29, 1990|Abortion, Politics|

You were asking?

There have been many questions regarding the Mulroney Government’s proposed bill C-43. I am answering them without reference to all the questioners. The first question is: Isn’t this bill better than a gestational one? No. The proposed law would allow abortions in any stage of the pre-born child’s development, right up to delivery. All that is needed is a compliant doctor. The [...]

2009-07-29T08:19:41-04:00January 29, 1990|Politics|

PP in the media

For many years Planned Parenthood has denied its commitment to abortion and has been portrayed by the press as a group of concerned citizens trying to save the world from itself. During the IPPF conference held in Ottawa in November 1989, the national press presented this picture once again. Stuart McCarthy in the Ottawa Sun quotes IPPF spokesman Karen Newman as saying [...]

2009-07-29T08:19:08-04:00January 29, 1990|Abortion, Society & Culture|

Students for Life Rally

Another successful Students for Life Rally took place at the Bay Street Center For Birth Control, November 17 in Toronto. The center is the largest abortion referral center in Canada and also works in conjunction with the Women’s College Hospital. The rally was a success despite the harsh weather, with approximately sixty-five students out for the rally. A CBC representative appeared to [...]

2009-07-29T08:17:17-04:00January 29, 1990|Pro-Life|

THE EDITORIAL – Conservatives betray God and country

Woe is me! The traitors betray: with treachery have the traitors betrayed! Isaiah 24:16 In 1969 Pierre Trudeau, John Turner and the Liberals betrayed God and country by legalizing abortion. After twenty years of steadily deteriorating morals and equally steadily increased violence in the home and on the street, Brian Mulroney and the Progressive Conservatives have concluded that they ought to repeat [...]

2009-07-29T08:16:56-04:00January 29, 1990|Editorials, Politics|
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