Monthly Archives: November 1997

Family matters force Hayes’ resignation

Canada’s pro-life community suffered the loss of a strong voice in Parliament with the October 1 resignation of Reform MP Sharon Hayes (Port Moody-Coquitlam). Described by Campaign Life Coalition as “an outstanding defender of life and family in Parliament and in international affairs,” Hayes resigned to spend more time with her husband Douglas, who took ill last spring. Mr. Hayes suffered a [...]

2010-06-29T09:47:22-04:00November 29, 1997|Politics|

No mistaking this right to life message

BURLINGTON, Ont. - The Halton Pro-Life office has put the finishing touches on a project to erect a right-to-life billboard at a high-traffic intersection of the southwest Ontario city. The billboard features a photo of in-utero child on a black background with the words “This is a child, not a choice. There are positive alternatives to abortion.” The 20 x 10 foot [...]

2010-06-29T09:43:05-04:00November 29, 1997|Abortion|

Infanticide by any other name …

U.S. President Bill Clinton, who broke new ground in “style over substance” politics, has again vetoed a ban on the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure. The president attempted to obscure his motives by suggesting that partial-birth abortion is needed in “... the small number of compelling cases where use of this procedure is necessary to avoid serious health consequences.” Although the possibility exists [...]

2010-06-29T09:41:33-04:00November 29, 1997|Abortion, Abortion Law, Editorials|

When fatherhood becomes a threat

It is difficult to comprehend the alarm bells and hand-wringing with which some quarters greeted news of the massive Promise Keepers rally in Washington, D.C. For those unfamiliar with Promise Keepers, it is basically a movement for men to make a renewed commitment to their wives, their children and their families. Promise Keepers pledge to love and honor their wives and to [...]

2010-06-29T09:39:52-04:00November 29, 1997|Editorials, Marriage and Family, Society & Culture|
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