Monthly Archives: November 1997

Scare led to abortion rise

Ten thousand more abortions than expected took place in the nine months following the scare over contraceptive pills two years ago, the latest U.K. population statistics reveal. The figures represent the highest proportion of women having abortions since records began nearly 30 years ago. The panic followed a statement by the Committee on Safety of Medicines that seven brands of the Pill [...]

2010-06-29T13:33:03-04:00November 29, 1997|Abortion statistics|

Student artwork recaptures Borowski’s fighting spirit

The first anniversary of the passing of noted pro-life activist Joe Borowski included a number of tributes and the unveiling of a special monument at Borowski’s home parish, St. Vital’s Church, near Winnipeg. To help mark the anniversary, students of St. Vital school were invited to prepare pro-life artwork which was used to decorate the walls of the church. Art work was [...]

2010-06-29T13:32:09-04:00November 29, 1997|Events|

KC halls off limits for pro-abortionists

One item of extra special significance in the Knights of Columbus’ new Crusade for Life initiative is the decision not to invite persons who support abortion to any Knights of Columbus event. The Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic fraternal organization supporting the church and its priests. It also raises funds for a number of charitable organizations. A series of resolutions [...]

2010-06-29T13:30:43-04:00November 29, 1997|Abortion|

Double loss for pro-life community

The Canadian pro-life family has lost two of its strong supporters. The early weeks of October saw the passing of Rory Alexander Kennedy of Toronto, and Rosemary Nielson of British Columbia.  Both were involved in the pro-life community and will be missed. Rory Kennedy was a bright 25 year-old, and was tragically taken by an accident. The son of Frank and Ileen [...]

2010-07-15T07:46:07-04:00November 29, 1997|Profiles|

U.N. Groups target refugees for abortion

U.S. Representative Christopher Smith (R-NJ), Chairman, House Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, has exposed an ongoing project by at least three United Nations agencies “for the large-scale performance and promotion of abortions among refugees, displaced persons, and other poor and vulnerable women around the world.” The agencies named are United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [...]

2010-06-29T13:27:04-04:00November 29, 1997|Abortion|

Calgary couple honored for pro-life dedication

CALGARY - 73-year-old Stell Attrell has been a consistent witness for life outside Calgary’s Kensington abortuary for the past six years. With her husband Johnnie always nearby, her many long, lonely hours of witnessing for life have saved several mothers and their babies from abortion. Stella has also been the victim of two assaults by abortion supporters. Once, she suffered cracked ribs [...]

2010-06-29T13:20:39-04:00November 29, 1997|Events|

Study affirms family’s special role

Pro-life/pro-family advocates will be pleased to have some of their views confirmed by a prestigious, secular source. The September 1997 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), reporting on an extensive study, confirms the importance of the family in protecting adolescents against risky, unhealthy behavior. The study examined four areas of concern, (emotional distress, involvement in violence, substance abuse [...]

2010-06-29T13:12:32-04:00November 29, 1997|Marriage and Family, Society & Culture|

A quiet chastity offers a loud message

When I was first told about the youth column here at The Interim, I thought this was my chance to pick up my pen and let the creative juices flow. But as I sat there, paper on desk, pen in hand, no inspiration came to me. What could I possibly have to write about? I come from a pretty simple family. I [...]

2010-06-29T12:39:43-04:00November 29, 1997|Youth Activism|

Second veto of partial-birth ban

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Bill Clinton October 10 vetoed legislation to ban partial-birth abortions, setting the stage for an attempted override by the Republican-controlled Congress. It was the second time Clinton has vetoed legislation to ban the late-term abortion procedure. He said in his veto message he was vetoing the bill because Congress failed to make an exception to protect women’s health. [...]

2010-06-29T12:38:22-04:00November 29, 1997|Politics|

From Malthus to disposable humanity: PP founder key figure in sterilization appeal

In his classic study, The Nazi Doctors, Robert J. Lifton states that “five identifiable steps” led directly to Auschwitz, and the mass murder of millions, Jews and others. The first, and crucial step, was “compulsory sterilization” of the “criminally insane” and of other people considered “genetically inferior.” It is important to note, however, that programs of coercive sterilization were neither begun by [...]

2010-06-29T12:32:56-04:00November 29, 1997|Abortion|

Bad art, bad logic: a short review

Just when we thought that the pornographic “artists” had gone as far as they could go, new twists come along. In 1995 the Vancouver Art Gallery displayed two enormous identical prints depicting Pope John Paul’s bust, in a jar of urine supplied by the so-called artist, Andrew Serrano. These two prints framed a display of Goya’s war etchings, and the accompanying explanations [...]

2010-06-29T12:06:50-04:00November 29, 1997|Society & Culture|

Giuseppe Gori named new leader of Family Coalition Party

Ontario’s provincial Family Coalition Party has a new leader as it marks its 10th anniversary. Giuseppe Gori, a self-employed computer consultant with experience in computer communications and software development, was named to the leadership during the party’s recent annual convention in Hamilton. He takes over from Don Pennell, who has led the party since its inception in 1987. Mr. Gori worked with [...]

2010-06-29T11:52:35-04:00November 29, 1997|Politics|

Nurses’ group sounds conscience clause alarm

The president of Canadian Nurses for Life believes the financial crisis in provincial health funding underscores the need for legislation protecting health workers from participating in objectionable medical practices. Mary Lyn McPherson said provincial downsizing, which has resulted in hospitals consolidating abortion services on obstetrical or medical units, presents new dangers to health care workers. “Canadian nurses have been disciplined, and fired, [...]

2010-06-29T11:02:23-04:00November 29, 1997|Abortion Law|

Papal visit sparks attack on Lejeune

In life, Jerome Lejeune may have found little peace as a pro-life scientist and geneticist. But one thing is certain - he is finding little peace in death. Incredible press stories out of France during Pope John Paul II’s visit to that country this summer described Lejeune as “an anti-abortion militant credited with being the driving force behind violent protests in France.” [...]

2010-07-15T07:46:33-04:00November 29, 1997|Profiles|

Quilts make colorful pro-life statement

Brightly-hued and tastefully designed, Harriet Notten’s quilts are symbolic of her commitment to the pro-life issue. Each square linking to another, like the continuity of the life chains that she has organized. Warm and soft to the touch, like Notten’s approach to expectant mothers. “I hope they save babies. I hope each one is a baby,” she says, sitting in the warmth [...]

2010-06-29T09:51:50-04:00November 29, 1997|Pro-Life|
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