Monthly Archives: February 2007

Bull Wheeler: wrestling for God

It was the first time I had been physically attacked for being a pro-life activist or a reporter. “You’re that guy from The Interim,” said the assailant with a snear. His name was Brad Hexum: he was young, muscular and renowned in local professional wrestling circles for his ill temper and even worse attitude. He shoved me to the ground and starting kicking [...]

2010-01-27T13:53:50-05:00February 27, 2007|Society & Culture|

Children of Men film expunges novel’s central message

I may have been one of only a handful of reviewers in the Western world who bought and read the novel The Children of Men before seeing the film of the same title, released in North America on Christmas Day. Given their mutual premise – a near-future world of total human infertility and the rebirth of hope in the person of an unborn [...]

2010-01-27T13:51:22-05:00February 27, 2007|Movie Review|

Effability: the f-word is everywhere

Editor’s note: Due to the author’s overarching desire to re-establish to the postmodern West such qualities as morality, civility and the classical modes of rhetoric, she has replaced in the following all quoted uses of the word under discussion with “eff,” with appropriate grammatical derivations thereof. That “eff,” “effing,” “eff off,” “eff about” and “eff up” have entered the general lexicon through [...]

2010-01-27T13:48:32-05:00February 27, 2007|Society & Culture|

Declining population impacting P.E.I.’s schools and churches

School enrolment figures in P.E.I. have dropped dramatically in recent years. Some rural schools are down more than 40 per cent and there are almost 25 per cent fewer students in Grades 1-3 than in 2001. “The declines have come quicker and broader than expected. The drop in the younger grades is particularly worrisome,” says district superintendent Sandy MacDonald. This demographic shift [...]

2010-01-27T13:47:14-05:00February 27, 2007|Population|

Concern over hospice association’s shift on euthanasia

It appears that the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association has decided to move from a position of opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide to a position of temporary neurality. This creates great concern for both opponents of euthanasia and advocates for people with disabilities in relation to the end-of-life care for the most vulnerable members of society. In 2005, the British Medical Association [...]

2010-01-27T13:45:49-05:00February 27, 2007|Euthanasia|

Evelyn Waugh: predictor of the culture of death

The late John Muggeridge once told me of the time he met Evelyn Waugh. “I was sitting with my father and celebrating the fact that I’d just received my commission in the army. I was rather proud. He immediately deflated me with some rude comment about the status of my regiment. But I didn’t mind. He was so gifted, so clever and [...]

2010-01-27T13:44:39-05:00February 27, 2007|Profiles|

Book details a journey to chastity

The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On by Dawn Eden (W Publishing Group, $17.50, 224 pages) Dawn Eden, “a Jewish-born rock journalist turned salty Christian blog queen,” has written “a book for marriage-minded single women who (have) had enough of the Sex and the City lifestyle.” While giving up her promiscuity has been an arduous aspect of her [...]

2010-01-27T13:41:25-05:00February 27, 2007|Book Review|

Alberta to offer ethical vaccine alternatives

The deputy minister of health in Alberta has admitted that both the federal and provincial public health agencies are aware some vaccines in use in Canada were produced with the use of cell lines from aborted babies. Furthermore, the Alberta government is set to provide alternative vaccines that are not tainted by abortion. The admission comes in a letter to Canadian Physicians [...]

2010-01-27T13:40:01-05:00February 27, 2007|Politics|

Students host Dance for Life fundraiser

There’s a great initiative underway that involves students, raising money, the National March For Life and dancing! In December, Kerriann Miller and Robin Mendonca were the head organizers for the second annual Dance for Life in southwestern Ontario. They were helped by their committee of Mitch Gunnarson, Stephanie Hoffbauer, Tracey Mendonca and Karynn Scott. It is estimated that this year’s dance was [...]

2010-01-27T13:10:00-05:00February 27, 2007|Pro-life Groups, Youth Activism|

A turn for the better at Carleton U

On Jan. 9, the Carleton University Students Association voted in favour of granting the campus pro-life group, Carleton LifeLine, club status. This came after much controversy and concern from a motion put forward and accepted by CUSA in December, that seemed to make it impossible for any group opposed to abortion to attain official club status. LifeLine threatened legal action and both [...]

2010-01-27T13:08:06-05:00February 27, 2007|Pro-life Groups, Youth Activism|

B.C. college student union denies status to pro-life club

Capilano College is found in beautiful North Vancouver and is the academic home of over 7,200 students. They are represented by the Capilano Students Union -- or, at least some of them are. The CSU, “an autonomous democratic organization” and member of the Canadian Federation of Students, is “dedicated to advancing student interests and working towards achieving a high-quality education system that [...]

2010-01-27T13:06:20-05:00February 27, 2007|Pro-life Groups, Youth Activism|

The naughty and nice at Christmas

This past Christmas was another contentious one, as Christians throughout North America took action to point out attempts by businesses to suppress the true meaning of the season in favour of a no-name “holiday.” On the positive side, Wal-Mart eventually relented from its position of using “holiday” exclusively in its stores and advertising. But the U.S.-based Liberty Council’s Friend or Foe of Christmas [...]

2010-01-27T13:00:11-05:00February 27, 2007|Corporate Watch|

Taxpayers won’t be on hook for gay porn bookstore’s costs

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled 7-2 that the federal government - that is, Canadian taxpayers - does not have to fund a lawsuit levelled by a homosexual bookstore against the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. Last April, the Supreme Court reserved its judgement in the case brought by Little Sister’s Book and Art Emporium, a Vancouver retail shop specializing in [...]

2010-01-27T12:58:58-05:00February 27, 2007|Marriage and Family|

The Interim establishes a presence on radio

Interim readers, as well as the public at large, can now enjoy a more in-depth, broadcast examination of some of the issues raised in this publication through a bi-weekly, one-hour radio program. Family Matters, as  the program is being called for the time being, was launched in October and co-operates with The Interim, as well as the monthly magazine Catholic Insight, in providing content [...]

2010-01-27T12:57:21-05:00February 27, 2007|Marriage and Family|

Pro-life can save a dying civilization

Our civilization is in serious decline. This is an unprecedented tragedy, but also a great opportunity for right to life to provide leadership in saving us from self-destruction. To be specific, in every major developed country, the birthrate is way below replacement (with just two exceptions: Israel and the U.S., the latter of which hovers around replacement level). In Canada and Europe, [...]

2010-01-27T12:55:08-05:00February 27, 2007|Pro-Life|
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