Monthly Archives: May 2007

Lift Jesus Higher Ralley

Fr. Benedict Groeschel, director of the office of spiritual development in the Archdiocese of New York, excoriated the moral breakdown of Canada, including abortion and same-sex “marriage,” at the Lift Jesus Higher Rally. At least 7,000 people attended the event at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on April 7. Among the speakers were: Groeschel; Ralph Martin, president of Renewal Ministries; Dana Scallon, [...]

2010-04-28T09:06:22-04:00May 28, 2007|Events|

The paradox posed by June Callwood

It was perhaps appropriate that those paragons of the leftist media establishment in Canada, the Toronto Star newspaper and the CBC, would christen as a “secular saint” a woman who stood solidly for such “sacraments” of the left as abortion and homosexuality. Regardless, although she was praised for a number of truly good things she did, Canadians of conscience might be forgiven for [...]

2010-04-28T09:04:32-04:00May 28, 2007|Profiles|

Dr. Billings had a revolutionary impact

On April 1, Dr. John Billings passed away at the age of 89. The Billings Ovulation Method (BOM), pioneered by the late Dr. John Billings, has had a revolutionary international impact as an effective, safe, simple, cost-free and scientifically validated method of achieving or avoiding pregnancy. A neurologist by specialty, Dr. John Billings began his first clinical studies of fertility in 1953, [...]

2010-04-28T09:07:06-04:00May 28, 2007|Profiles|

Bishops speak to euthanasia and assisted suicide

The Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops has released a statement clarifying the church’s position on euthanasia and assisted suicide. It is also calling on Catholics to question politicians about their stands on the issue. “Catholics, like all other citizens, have the right and duty to participate in the political processes of our democracy,” the bishops state. “Our elected representatives should be questioned [...]

2010-04-28T09:00:10-04:00May 28, 2007|Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia|

Pro-abortionists focus on New Brunswick

New Brunswick has become the site of new pro-abortion battles because of its steadfast refusal to fund abortions in private facilities – and one of the generals is American. At a Fredericton press conference April 13, a coalition of women’s groups that included the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, the N.B. Advisory Council on the Status of Women and the Washington-based National [...]

2010-04-28T08:58:39-04:00May 28, 2007|Abortion|

McMurtry a ‘friend’ of Morgentaler

He legalized so-called same-sex marriage in Ontario in 2003, despite the fact his daughter was involved in a same-sex relationship at the time, and partied with the very litigants involved in the case a scarce two weeks later. Now, it has emerged that Roy McMurtry is a friend of Canadian abortion king, Henry Morgentaler. A retrospective article by Kirk Makin in the Globe [...]

2010-04-28T08:57:17-04:00May 28, 2007|Morgentaler|

Humanity of the unborn shown on TV

A dramatic episode of the popular evening television drama, House, that showed an unborn child from an opened womb grasping a surgeon’s finger during surgery, vividly demonstrated the humanity of the unborn. The Fox network drama featured a story line where a 42-year-old pregnant rock and roll photographer suffers a stroke and doctors discover the cause is a rare condition called Maternal Mirror [...]

2010-04-28T08:55:37-04:00May 28, 2007|Fetal Rights|

Linda Wood: ‘REAL’ woman, real northerner

“Being a pro-lifer in the Northwest Territories is a unique experience,” Linda Wood tells The Interim. “You have easy access to the powers-that-be. For example, I’ve gone for coffee with our previous minister of health and shared some of my concerns as a REAL Woman and pro-life activist.” Wood is REAL Women’s director for the Northwest Territories. “I believe REAL Women and pro-life [...]

2010-04-28T08:52:43-04:00May 28, 2007|Real Women|

Organ donation bill opposed

For the past year, there has been an increased push by some in the healthcare system, the media and political circles to convince Canadians to sign their organ donor cards. For others, such information campaigns are not enough, so Ontario MPP Peter Kormos (NDP) went so far as to draft a private member’s bill that, if put into effect, would presume consent [...]

2010-04-28T08:51:15-04:00May 28, 2007|Bioethics, Health Risks|

Q and A with: Tim Bloedow

Tim Bloedow is an Ottawa-area writer who has worked as a researcher, speechwriter and media co-ordinator for two members of Parliament. He has also worked as a researcher and lobbyist for Campaign Life Coalition and run for office as a member of the Christian Heritage Party of Canada. He has a bachelor of theology degree from Tyndale Bible College, is married to [...]

2010-04-28T08:47:54-04:00May 28, 2007|Profiles|

Peace starts by ending abortion

Today, in our world, there is a crisis in the human rights department. Many countries, throughout the world, have legalized abortion and some even force it upon women, depending on the sex of the baby they are carrying. Some people are asking the questions: so what if these embryos are being destroyed? Does it really matter? Does this actually have anything to [...]

2010-04-28T06:40:11-04:00May 28, 2007|Abortion|

FCP gears up for election

Ontario’s Family Coalition Party has 35 candidates committed to run so far in the upcoming provincial election and hopes to have one in every riding by the time Oct. 10 arrives. Leader Giuseppi Gori, speaking to The Interim after the FCP’s 20th anniversary convention in Mississauga April 14, said many of the party’s candidates tend to emerge at the last-minute, so he [...]

2010-04-23T13:29:01-04:00May 23, 2007|Politics|

Session trained future conservative leaders

A leading U.S. organization in the field of increasing the number and effectiveness of conservative public policy leaders brought its expertise north of the border recently as part of the annual convention of Ontario’s Family Coalition Party. The Leadership Institute held a Grassroots Campaign School that was co-sponsored by the FCP and the Christian Coalition International Canada in the Toronto suburb of [...]

2010-04-23T13:27:28-04:00May 23, 2007|Politics|

Giant cross commemorates victims of abortion

On a clear day, you can see it 18 kilometres away. “You will probably be able to see it from farther once the new lighting is in place,” Dr. Joseph Lozinsky told The Interim. The pro-life doctor is a trustee of the Knights of Columbus’s Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Council 11775 and the secretary of Millennium Cross Foundation, Inc. In 1999, [...]

2010-04-23T13:24:57-04:00May 23, 2007|Issues|
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