Monthly Archives: August 2021

The rat race ruining the family

Paul Tuns Review: Little Platoons: A Defense of Family in a Competitive Age by Matt Feeney (Basic Books, $35, 303 pages) In Little Platoons, Matt Feeney, a writer whose work has appeared in the New Yorker and National Review, describes how the family – an “irreplaceable zone of human connections” – is under pressure from the hyper-competitive race parents participate in to give [...]

2021-08-31T13:16:24-04:00August 31, 2021|Books of the Day|

Abortion pill reversal row

Maeve Roche: After a woman swallows the first chemical abortion pill, either mifegymiso or mifepristone, she may believe that her decision to end her unborn child’s life is irreversibly set-in-stone. This is not entirely the case. There is hope. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network launched a campaign earlier this year to provide women with an abortion pill reversal treatment that has a [...]

2021-08-31T12:15:02-04:00August 31, 2021|Abortion Pill|

The Dictatorship of Woke Capital

The Dictatorship of Woke Capital: Stephen R. Soukoup (Encounter, $33.99, 200 pages) Stephen Soukoup, a finance professional is the senior commentator for The Political Forum and a fellow in culture and the economy at the Culture of Life Foundation. In his new book The Dictatorship of Woke Capital, he shows how the Marxist march through the institutions has made its way to [...]

2021-08-30T14:55:48-04:00August 30, 2021|Books of the Day|

The truth about residential schools

Rory Leishman:  What can account for the unprecedented outburst of anti-Christian rage in Canada that has fueled the incineration of 20 Christian churches and the defacing of dozens more with red and orange paint? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau blames the Catholic and Protestant churches that operated Indian Residential Schools (IRS) on behalf of the government of Canada. In a statement on July [...]

2021-08-30T14:22:22-04:00August 30, 2021|Rory Leishman, Society & Culture|

Our duty on Sept. 20

The writ has been drawn and just under two years into the minority mandate of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canadians are returning to the voting booth to decide 338 elections for Member of Parliament. It is useful to remember that it is not a singular election, but multiple simultaneous elections. We are not electing a prime minister to lead us or party [...]

2021-08-24T12:33:40-04:00August 24, 2021|Editorials, Election|

The 2021 election and pro-life issues

Paul Tuns - Analysis: On August 15, Justin Trudeau asked for an election with an eye to regaining a majority. Voters will cast their ballots on Sept. 20, following a five-week campaign. Over the last 22 months, the Trudeau government has continued to push a socially liberal agenda, just as it had during its first mandate. Over the first four years, Justin Trudeau’s [...]

2021-08-24T12:37:46-04:00August 24, 2021|Paul Tuns, Politics, Pro-Life|

Dual nominations: A proposed solution to the western Canadian conservative conundrum

Mark Wegierski The Maverick Party (formerly the Wexit Party) is the federal Western separatist party readying to attack the Conservative flank in the next election. The Conservatives do not need an election, until they can figure out how to deal with this undoubtedly potentially fatal vote splitting. Their Western flank is only going to be more exposed as time passes (as Wexit/’Buffalo’/separatism [...]

2021-08-13T09:05:56-04:00August 13, 2021|Politics, Politics, Soconvivium|

And then there was this …August 2021

  Biden Administration erases women WASHINGTON D.C. -- Gender neutral language takes over the U.S. government in President Joe Biden’s 2022 budget proposal in the replacement of traditionally female terms to be “more inclusive.” The public health sub-section titled Reduces Maternal Mortality Rate and Ends Race-Based Disparities in Maternal Mortality begins with gender-specific terms such as “women” and “maternal,” but continues on to [...]

2021-08-06T13:04:08-04:00August 8, 2021|And then there was this...|

Macabre disposal of human bodies

Paul Tuns: Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed House Bill 2574 on June 15 which allows what is euphemistically called “natural organic reduction,” but which is more colloquially known as “human composting” to dispose of the bodies of the deceased. The law goes into effect in July 2022, making the state the third to allow the decomposing of the body of deceased human [...]

2021-08-06T13:03:37-04:00August 7, 2021|Paul Tuns|

Excerpts: July & August 2021

“This Canada Day, let’s cancel the cancellers” Christopher Dummitt The Hub (June 28) But it’s possible to deplore the legacy of residential schools and still be put off by the sickening glee with which some activists (and sadly, some actual historians) jumped on the news of the discovery to advance their pre-set ideological attack on Canada and the western world, and its [...]

2021-08-06T10:19:03-04:00August 6, 2021|Excerpts|

There is no ‘do,’ only ‘try’

Josie Luetke: Interim writer, Josie Luetke, Talk Turkey Ahead of the National March for Life, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition executive director Alex Schadenberg and I gave a joint webinar on euthanasia and abortion. Attendees, hearing about how Canada has been without any restriction on abortion for over three decades and how Bill C-7 has transformed our euthanasia regime from bad to [...]

2021-08-05T12:25:37-04:00August 5, 2021|Abortion, Euthanasia, Josie Luetke|

Q&A with Rod Taylor

Editor’s Note: The Interim’s editor Paul Tuns interviewed Christian Heritage Party leader Rod Taylor by email. The transcript appears with only slight edits to conform to our style guide. The Interim: The pandemic has affected politics over the past 16 months -- the Conservative leadership, virtual parliamentary debates, possibly even the decision to put off going to the polls federally. How has [...]

2021-08-06T10:28:38-04:00August 4, 2021|Politics|
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